Finding Sloes (Newcastle upon Tyne)

Hello - sorry if you get this question a lot I am new to the forums :eek:
I was wondering if anyone in the Newcastle / North Tyneside / Northumberland or thereabouts might be so kind as to share with me good sloe picking spots. I am really keen to try to make some sloe gin this year but having difficulty finding blackthorn!
I am quite near the Rising Sun Country Park - don't know if anyone has spotted blackthorn around there?
Thanks so much anyone who is able to assist :)

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
If you can get out to the south west of Newcastle, around the lanes of Barlow/High Spen :!3m1!1s0x487dd79088d0270b:0xf228a61dbb7e843f

The hedge rows on Ashtree Lane, are or at least were, quite nicely stuffed with sloes a week or so back. I'm sure there will be plenty of other locations but Ashtree lane is a bit quieter than some little country lanes, although you still have to be wary of "ratrunners", speeding along the road as if they were competing in the RAC Rally!:rolleyes:

good luck



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