Feed the birds...........

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I guess feeding garden birds is interfering with nature and natural selection. But given we have destroyed so many habitats and food sources for wildlife I do. It affords me real pleasure that my hedges are little towns and the world is full of birdsong.

Today we have six or seven fieldfares chasing each other around the last of the windfalls which I leave for the birds to enjoy. Often the green woodpeckers are in attendance too (although I think they are after insects)


The peanuts are particularly popular with all the members of the tit family (except oddly the long tails who seem not to enjoy them as the blue tits and great tits do). We get lots of greater spotted woodpeckers on the nuts too.


Fat and seed balls always seems popular in the cold - I make my own from vegetable suet


Anyway - spare a though for our feathered friends now its cold - they really could do with some extra (and don't forget some water if you don't have ponds etc.)



Full Member
Hi there Red, I must admit we get a fair few little visitors in the garden, currently we have the great, long tail and blue tits. We have sparrows who are feeding happily along with everyone else. We have the occasional wren, a pair of Greenfinches, the ubiquitous Robin, three song thrushes a number of wood pigeons and a pair of collared doves.

Those aside we have the blackbirds, the magpies and the normal beasties that frequent the garden.

I'll have to dig out some of the photos I took of one of the thrushes the other day.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Our tomatoe plant is still hanging with toms! We have basically eaten that many we are sick of them, but the birds are tucking in. Some of the toms have split, so in goes the beak for seeds and fruit, and they are obviously doing OK out of them. We also have a bird feeder that they can land on high up so that the local cat cannot get to them.

I enjoy seeing birds in the winter, and like to know that I am helping them through hard times.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Great idea that Spam! I do like recycling excess produce into feeding the animals and birds (although I wish the deer and rabbits would understand that its only the excess they can have :()



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