Hi, can any one tell me off any good uses for feather moss, apart from bedding.Does anybody know if you can use it for cooking ie steaming fish or is it poisonous.
the feather moss is either a pleurozium schreberi or eurhynchium praelonggum they are all from the feather moss family not the sphagnum moss family. I checked on the www.britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk and it did not come up proctected.
There are several feather mosses that are protected in the UK. These include:
Drepanocladus vernicosus - Slender Green Feather-moss
Rhynochostegium rotundifolium - Round-leaved Feather-moss
Thamnobryum angustifolium - Derbyshire feather-moss
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