For a good, cheap FAK, keep an eye on Aldi. I got a car first aid ket there last year for 10.99euro. It has the following:
2x triangular bandage
2x 4m by 6cm bandage
3x 4m by 8cm bandage
2x small compresses for burns
1x medium compress for burns
3x 10cm sq. gauze swabs
1x Large first aid dressing
3x Medium first aid dressing
8x 10cm by 6cm Adhesive plaster strips
1x 5m by 2.5cm adhesive tape
1x scissors
2x pairs vinyl gloves
1x rescue blanket (gold foil)
a neat little first aid guide.
All this stuff is in a clear plastic pocketed sheet (8 pockets, all labelled with contents) which folds in four and fits into a zip up nylon pack.c. 24cmx16cmx7cm.
The only thing I've added is an Isolaide Resus sheild.
The Aldi stuff comes around on a yearly cycle, so these should appear again. I think it was April last year that I got it. This stuff is to a German standard,(DIN 13164) and the only thing cheap is the price (well, maybe the adhesive plasters, but they're not bad
). It's all in date 'till 2008!
Finally a note on Ibuprofen etc. According to our course instruction (Irish Red Cross Society), First aiders cannot administer medicines to others, not even over the counter stuff (not sure if you can offer it to them and let them take it themselves!)