Exercise in covid-19 lockdown

rich d2

Jan 10, 2019
Yep I do kata, slowly with "perfect" technique and real attention to detail, as well as a full speed, as well as completely relaxed just to run through the moves. All good in their own way and all add to the experience. I also look at quite a lot of Ian Abernethy's bunkai breakdowns and explanations - after doing a couple of seminars with him - to me understanding the move in a variety of ways makes it more real than attacking multiple ninjas from multiple directions ;) and they're pretty good on youtube.
Never done the 100 kata (not sure either me or my knees would want to) - PS what's renzokuzukigeris I know geri as in kick and zuki as in punch - but not familiar or maybe just misreading it all together.
this is pretty much our seisan kata
except for some reason we do the last push down in tension.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 16, 2019
Vantaa, Finland
Seibukan Seisan, one can see the two have the same origin but there are differences.
A very old video but shows the idea better than the other easily found done by the Russian lady.

Our style has practically no sanchin.

rich d2

Jan 10, 2019
Seibukan Seisan, one can see the two have the same origin but there are differences.
A very old video but shows the idea better than the other easily found done by the Russian lady.

Our style has practically no sanchin.
Thanks not seen that before - it's interesting to look at the different styles and almost work backwards to the route of the kata, as well as how it may be applied differently with the differences in techniques.


Jul 26, 2010
I've kettlebells at home, a pull up bar in the back garden and a yoga matt, and cheap TRX straps, so all good really.

I normally go to yoga four times a week (Ashtanga x2 and vinyasa flow x 2). Did my first online yoga class last night with one of my teachers using Zoom. Worked well, with the added advantage of not having to worry about holding in any farts.

For kettlebell ideas check https://kettlebellsworkouts.com Learn how to do each exercise before jumping in and hurting yourself. KB can take a bit of time to learn the basics.

rich d2

Jan 10, 2019
Put this together for our karate club today, the clips are from not just our club but form our extended family. I'm the one falling into the garden chairs...
Don't know how to post videos on here, so it's a facebook link but it is a public video so should be watchable...https://www.facebook.com/richard.dickens.798/videos/10158272492581354/?t=1


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Well I've decided lockdown might be a driver to get back to being fit again. Dusted off my Fitbit surge and started recording activity, sleep and food. It's actually got better since I last used the app. There's also very good, free workouts on their app. Might try a few

I'm at my lowest fitness level it seems because I did Joe Wick's pe lesson and found it hard!! That's all the motivation I need. Although Joe Wicks was struggling from about 20 minutes too so perhaps not too bad.

Wish I knew the various kata. We did Ju-Jitsu and they taught techniques not kata style. By that I mean individual throws, locks, blocks, punches, etc. Plus combination moves which you couldn't separate into individual moves like kata I think. Had a few karate lessons on the Saturday training sessions where they brought several martial arts dojos and styles together. You rotated instructors and styles in groups at your level. Karate style of teaching with routines of individual moves joined into I guess a kata was new to us. Just like individual technique style of teaching was to the karate lot. Loads of Japanese styles taught at those Saturdays. Latter on I tried a Korean martial art which was all kata too.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
I think you miss my point.
I doubt Joe is unfit yet he struggled in it. It shows that you just push harder if fitter. It’s max effort for the duration of each segment not a specific rep. If I’ve done any of the sessions alongside my kids, I’m done in and so are rhymes but I’ve just done more reps in the time.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
I think you miss my point.
I doubt Joe is unfit yet he struggled in it. It shows that you just push harder if fitter. It’s max effort for the duration of each segment not a specific rep. If I’ve done any of the sessions alongside my kids, I’m done in and so are rhymes but I’ve just done more reps in the time.
Ok, but you now. I did it Monday and he seemed to do very little. Kept setting everyone off on each exercise then he'd stop for a drink and to check for some names or the next question to in give out. Even my 7 year old seemed to do what he did. Half the segment then crash on a chair in a fake I'm knackered way. He can keep going more than I if he wanted to.

Anyway I'm still feeling it from Monday. Possibly because I twinged both thigh muscles end of last week and I'm doing dog walks / exercise walks more than pre pandemic. Not done the Wicks pe lesson since. Our son doesn't like it so we ride or walk instead.

Anyone seen a good, short time exercise class for free online? Looked at one easy and one medium on Fitbit app discover section. They looked too easy. Hard ones too hard. Body weight only seems good. You can get a good base without equipment I reckon.

rich d2

Jan 10, 2019

Wish I knew the various kata. We did Ju-Jitsu and they taught techniques not kata style. By that I mean individual throws, locks, blocks, punches, etc. Plus combination moves which you couldn't separate into individual moves like kata I think. Had a few karate lessons on the Saturday training sessions where they brought several martial arts dojos and styles together. You rotated instructors and styles in groups at your level. Karate style of teaching with routines of individual moves joined into I guess a kata was new to us. Just like individual technique style of teaching was to the karate lot. Loads of Japanese styles taught at those Saturdays. Latter on I tried a Korean martial art which was all kata too.
don't overthink it Paul, if you can remember your individual techniques just string them together in an order that makes sense and flows, we sometimes do this with our lower grades to let them have some fun making their own kata up. At one level (there are many deeper) kata is individual practice of techniques when you don't have a partner. We do wado - so this comes from a karate and a Japanese jujitsu foundation and if you look you can see locks and throws in the katas.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Fury's just down the road and a bit from us. Well two villages down on the way to Morecambe. Everyone round this way knows his house, his daily running route/time and favourite local pub he slips out to. He doesn't mind if you tag along on his training runs apparently. I get the impression from people who know him that he's still just be a normal guy and genuine. What are his workouts like?


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Unfortunately I can't remember enough to get an a good flow these days. Only really learnt techniques to try and end the fight quickly. It was effective style and had it's own sokeship (think that's right) listed in Japan.

Right now I can remember the interesting techniques, headliners outside of the grading techniques. Strike locations, pressure points to knock someone out cold, a neat way to drop anyone which of you miss the right spot you would still likely take out the diaphragm with a rib. I remember that because I can't form a fist with one hand (broke my Knicks knuckle once and it's not repaired right) so a different hand shape to the strike would still work.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
Ok, but you now. I did it Monday and he seemed to do very little. Kept setting everyone off on each exercise then he'd stop for a drink and to check for some names or the next question to in give out. Even my 7 year old seemed to do what he did. Half the segment then crash on a chair in a fake I'm knackered way. He can keep going more than I if he wanted to.

Anyway I'm still feeling it from Monday. Possibly because I twinged both thigh muscles end of last week and I'm doing dog walks / exercise walks more than pre pandemic. Not done the Wicks pe lesson since. Our son doesn't like it so we ride or walk instead.

Anyone seen a good, short time exercise class for free online? Looked at one easy and one medium on Fitbit app discover section. They looked too easy. Hard ones too hard. Body weight only seems good. You can get a good base without equipment I reckon.

Ok. Well it was you that said he struggled. Personally haven't seen one in full for a while.


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
We did Joe this morning, it was hard enough :D P90 at 4 with my son, he's a completely different kettle of fish to the girls and the workouts a step up as well.

I have to say thought that I think Joe's brilliant, and the workouts can be hard going if you put max energy into them, he's also gradually moving people along, adding harder bits, extending the durations etc so that people improve, I know it's been good for me and mine. As for him being puffed out, I think it's combination of showmanship and it's hard work to talk all the time while you're moving so much. I think he's done well, especially with braking his hand/arm, that must still be causing him some grief.

Also getting out on the bike, although not as much this week....

I did Martial arts for 12 years, used to practice kata but I don't think iv'e got any idea any more, not done any proper training for a long long time, let ai did was Systema, but that only lasted a few months due to a shoulder injury, I did enjoy it though.
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