We did Joe this morning, it was hard enough
P90 at 4 with my son, he's a completely different kettle of fish to the girls and the workouts a step up as well.
I have to say thought that I think Joe's brilliant, and the workouts can be hard going if you put max energy into them, he's also gradually moving people along, adding harder bits, extending the durations etc so that people improve, I know it's been good for me and mine. As for him being puffed out, I think it's combination of showmanship and it's hard work to talk all the time while you're moving so much. I think he's done well, especially with braking his hand/arm, that must still be causing him some grief.
Also getting out on the bike, although not as much this week....
I did Martial arts for 12 years, used to practice kata but I don't think iv'e got any idea any more, not done any proper training for a long long time, let ai did was Systema, but that only lasted a few months due to a shoulder injury, I did enjoy it though.