excellent service from woodlore

Last weekend I noticed the head of my gransfors bruk outdoor axe was coming loose. It had actually moved around ten mm upwards leaving a gap on the metal collar.

I was considering doing a repair job myself but decorum suggested I contact woodlore straight off and see if they'd replace it

.A quick phone call got me through to a very helpful member of staff who said send it back and if its not user fault we'll replace it.

So nervously I entrusted my axe to royal mail Wednesday and lo and behold a new one arrived yesterday. Postage refunded too

.The best bit? I've had the outdoor axe that was faulty for a good two n half years so its not like it was a new one that was gammy but a well used tool and still replaced without quibble.
So thumbs up to woodlore for great service.

Now to break it in and take it out on its maiden trip.
Yeah well chuffed.
Really pleased cause I'm a massive fan of the outdoor axe and wouldn't want to be without it. Used more than the small forest axe I have.

Now to break out the wire wool and linseed oil.
Once a day for a week. Once a week for a month. Once a month for a yr......

All good fun.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.