Everybody knows... (Injury picture warning)


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Everybody knows that when you split a log, you should never, ever, hold the log that you are splitting with your hand.

Everyone knows that. So of course, when demonstrating the safe use of an axe to a bunch of kids on Wednesday evening, I wouldn't do that.

Would I? :rolleyes:


It seems that green wood is rather softer than seasoned wood (who'd have thought it, eh?), so what I thought was a nice solid chop into the top of the log to embed the axe actually went clean through the piece in one go, and bottom corner of the axe just nicked my thumb. Lucky it was just the corner, or I'd be minus a significant chunk of thumb.

The fun bit was, I simply said "And there you are, one bit of wood nicely split. Now, I seem to have cut my thumb, so could someone go and find the first aid box please?

Ok, the next stage in making a bowl is..."

New motto:
"There's no such thing as a dangerous tool, just an idiot holding onto the handle"

I commented afterwards to one of the other session leaders that "Fortunately, my axe was clean and very sharp".
"Unlike the person using it" he replied.


ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
ooooof,....that looks like a good un,...

i made a wedge last week to split some birch,...

the wedge was too soft,....

it split,....

the back of the axe hit my thumb,..

i have what looks like a little ladybird on my thumb now,......

toilet digger laughed at me and superglued me up,......

we both laughed and then drunk all of Drews whisky,......

then we talked about golden nuggets and the caravan and camping club before i forgot things and woke up with what felt like broken glass behind me eyes.

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Dec 15, 2005
Ouch, been there done that :)

I tell you what does hurt, a thumb slice using a Laplander saw, makes a right mess I tell thee


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