Ethnomedica project

Justin Time

Aug 19, 2003
South Wales
Not sure whether this quite fits here since it's not just about woodlands and we don't have a herbal medicine forum:

Set up by Kew Gardens:
"Why the Ethnomedica project is needed

To collect and preserve a fast disappearing aspect of our British heritage - its medicinal plant traditions.

The people who remember using plants as a primary health resource are fast dying out. It is a matter of urgency to collect their information for the benefit of future generations - for its intrinsic interest and for its medical potential.

Ethnomedica is dedicated to preserving this knowledge and making it freely accessible to everyone.

Burnt Ash

Sep 24, 2003
East Sussex
Paganwolf said:
Justin, a most interesting post, im fasinated by this subject, thanks for the link :super:

However fascinating, one should not suspend critical analysis of this kind of anecdotal material.

Just because some old bugger says that bathing in an infusion of nettles boiled in cat wee will cure all from broken bones to terminal cancer and unwanted pregnancy does not necessarily make it true!

Burnt Ash


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 26, 2004
Essex, Uk
Witches and pagans were burnt at the stake and said to be worshipers and follower of satan because they healed poor people with natures natural remedys (650 of such people accused of this craft were tried in essex alone between 1560 and 1675 alone some were aquitted but most were hanged or died in prison ,just for interest) luckily we now have the freedom to believe in whatever we wish(within reason) check this site out, now Quinine comes from a tree, I wouldn't really put it with the nettle and piddle theory but you get my drift :wink: :wave: But i do know where you are coming from there are some real cranks out there (anti cellulite cream does that really work?? :?: ) If it harms none,do what ye will. Seriously this link is interesting to say the least. :naughty: :eek:):


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 27, 2004
Monterey Peninsula, Ca., USA
I agree that the passing down of traditional knowledge like this is a very wise investment in the future. Of course, research what you can to insure that the information your are getting is accurate, but keep an open mind about such things, especially when they sound completely insane and couldn't possibly be true. You might be surprised.

Burnt Ash

Sep 24, 2003
East Sussex
Paganwolf said:
Witches and pagans were burnt at the stake and said to be worshipers and follower of satan because they healed poor people with natures natural remedys (650 of such people accused of this craft were tried in essex alone between 1560 and 1675 alone some were aquitted but most were hanged or died in prison

Essex? ESSEX?? Well, I mean to say ... they still go in for that sort of thing there, don't they?

Burnt Ash

Les Marshall

Life Member
Jan 21, 2004
Chichester West Sussex
I have to agree with Pagonwolf, it's a subject that has long fascinated me. I do agree that there are cranks out there, both in traditional medicine and modern medicine, so lets not condemn one or the other. What I would like to say is that we managed for thousands of years using natural methods, before modern drugs came along, and indeed, many of these drugs are derived from natural sources. I have come accross people from both camps who are too willing to condemn the other side without question, thats why I agree with what was said earlier about confirming authenticity of advice. :wink:


Sep 29, 2004
Perhaps a better/older project to look at is this one:

Plants for a Future

Which has been collecting information on over 7000 plants in all areas - medical, edible, and other uses, and which contains full references to their sources. All in all, perhaps one of the most useful references anywhere to plant uses. I wonder whether there has been any interaction between these projects, or with any of the other projects that have covered this theme, such as the 'Flora Celtica' project undertaken at the Royal Botanic GArdens Edinburgh. In many cases I suspect the information being collected has been gathered already... :roll:


Sep 6, 2004
Match you're a dead useful blokey.

Thanks for the picture of the Burdock by the way (another link I know)!

What a completely brilliant thread this is.

If anybody's interested...Judith Berger...Herbal Rituals...great little book.

Little Mole

Just because some old ****** says that bathing in an infusion of nettles boiled in cat wee will cure all from broken bones to terminal cancer and unwanted pregnancy does not necessarily make it true!

There is a lot of evidence to support the healing power of plants...not sure about cat wee though.


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