Heres the recipe i use for elderflower cordial. Its so simple to make and taists extreemly good. You must try it! The elderflowers are just comming out now so hurry!
20 elderflower heads
1 sliced lemon
1 sliced orange
2 tsp of citric acid (chemist should sell this)
1.5 kg (3.5 lbs) of sugar
1.2 ltr (2.5 pints) boiling water
1. Put all your ingredients in a bowl or bucket
2. Boil the kettle and measure out your boiling water. Then pour over the ingredients.
3.Stir until sugar is disolved
4.cover with cloth
5. Stir two times a day for five days.
6. Strain through muslin cloth or a sieve
7.Bottle and refrigerate
Dilute 5 parts water and one part cordial to serve. Although sometimes i like it neat! Enjoy!