Drystone walling


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Work agreed to send me on a weekend dry stone walling course. It's something I've wanted to do for ages 😃Thought folks might like to see some pictures.
had to walk through a rather nice wood land to get to the wall we were going to working on
approaching the wall that other trainees had already worked on. High standard set by them
then it was a case if dismantling the old collapsing wall and getting back to the foundations. Torrential rain meant iPhone was put away until the weather cleared. By then we'd re-established the foundations and was well into the first course
once the onto the first course things sped up considerable
by the time the wall was knee height it was 1600 and the day was drawing to an end. Just enough time to put the thought stones on ready for tomorrow

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Aug 11, 2011
Central Illinois
It's still difficult to grasp that some of your walls date back to the Romans. Some of he walls in the US date back all the way to the 1940's! LOL Very nice day out!

General Strike

May 22, 2013
United Kingdom
It's still difficult to grasp that some of your walls date back to the Romans. Some of he walls in the US date back all the way to the 1940's! LOL Very nice day out!
I think the majority of drystone walls in the UK date back to the Acts of Enclosure, when a lot of grazing land which was previously held in common was divided amongst landowners. Drystone was in use before this time, but the 1700s and 1800s were centuries of major proliferation. Some remnants of the wall around the City of London are Roman, as is Hadrian's Wall, but neither of these are of drystone construction. Presumably the same is true of some other Roman cities such as York or Lancaster - where the old city wall remains.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
It's still difficult to grasp that some of your walls date back to the Romans. Some of he walls in the US date back all the way to the 1940's! LOL Very nice day out!

aye some friends of mine from colorado came to visit when doing their european tour and were blown away by the age of the buildings and such like. used to build things right over here once upon a time lol


Sep 6, 2010
That looks a super piece of work; good for a couple of hundred years at least?

Are those "A-frames" widely used to keep the angles correct or just for inexperienced wallers?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
It's still difficult to grasp that some of your walls date back to the Romans.

I know what you mean. When I moved to the UK from Australia I spent a lot of time catching flies.

The house I live in now predates white settlement of Western Australia. Even the windows are older than the oldest building in Western Australia.


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