I finally got round to precessing the broad leafed dock seeds I collected over the summer.
I had stored them after drying to a crisp in the sun, but over the weeks they seemed to have taken on a little moisture, so I dried them out in the oven again.
I removed the chaff by rubbing the seeds between my hands. A kitchen seive served fairly well as a means separate the seeds, and shaking the resulting mixture on a baking tray further separated everything by size.
Grinding in a pestle an mortar was a pain, and took several days of on-and-off grinding to get something resembling flour. Of course someone with reasonable arm stamina would have done it in an hour...

Now to the cooking. I wanted to try different ratios of dock seed to plain white flour, followed by mixing to a dough and frying as a sort of flat bread. I wanted to see how little white flour I could get away with.
My conclusion was that 2 parts white flour to 1 part dock seed worked well. The dough was a good consistency and the flavour nice. 1 part white flour to 2 part dock seed flour worked ok and I was able to generate a flat bread that didn't fall apart, but I found the flavour of the dock seed a bit bitter.
Here we are, looks delicious right?

I had stored them after drying to a crisp in the sun, but over the weeks they seemed to have taken on a little moisture, so I dried them out in the oven again.
I removed the chaff by rubbing the seeds between my hands. A kitchen seive served fairly well as a means separate the seeds, and shaking the resulting mixture on a baking tray further separated everything by size.
Grinding in a pestle an mortar was a pain, and took several days of on-and-off grinding to get something resembling flour. Of course someone with reasonable arm stamina would have done it in an hour...

Now to the cooking. I wanted to try different ratios of dock seed to plain white flour, followed by mixing to a dough and frying as a sort of flat bread. I wanted to see how little white flour I could get away with.
My conclusion was that 2 parts white flour to 1 part dock seed worked well. The dough was a good consistency and the flavour nice. 1 part white flour to 2 part dock seed flour worked ok and I was able to generate a flat bread that didn't fall apart, but I found the flavour of the dock seed a bit bitter.
Here we are, looks delicious right?