Deer Print ?

Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
Roe Deer to small for a Red, to sharp at the point for sheep, wild goats cleaves look more offset, it is on soft sand but goats dew claws very rarely show anyway. Did you
see any small shiny black pellets around? Id go for roe. which island? just wondering as it maybe one of the smaller introduced exotic deer.
Boy I'm good with a book in front of me.
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Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
cleaves, Size, hard to say SCR might have feet like Sideshow Bob, Trail, narrow straddle with a short walking gait, Ground, strand line, sand looks light and a bit pockmarked, leaves blowin' into some of the tracks, soil scatter, pressure wave and cracks almost all washed away, some wind and rain, plus weathering will make the track look a bit bigger anyway, say perhaps 12 hours+++ (SCR could probably narrow it down a bit more)
Roe normally around 5x4cm, in sand 6cm +.
Adult red, 200kg avg, in sand? wet beach sand??, plus dew claws and splay 9 x 7cm + surely???.
It could a young red out of a herd but on an island?
There's a couple o big islands in the south of Loch Lomond but I wouldn't think they were big enough for red deer. Stags are big.

Roe Deer with 6 inch scale.

If you get the chance to see the Wild goats on the NE bank of loch Lomond go for it, absolutely magnificent!
The walk from Rowerdennan to Inverarnan, just superb.
Ok Scots Charles MacRiver :)where did you put the :canoe:in, North or South of Inchcailloch?
No nO wait, I've changed my mind one o them wee wallaby's.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Once saw a huge red swim from inchtavannach to inchconnachan where we were staying. Awesome sight it was too.
Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
A big red swimming Cool! That must be a rare sight, Sure now you would have to be good to track that.
There's reds around Inversnaid and loch Arklet and across the loch in the Arrochar Alps. Just read there's also a small population of Fallow deer round the loch. Fallow deer track 6.5 x 4cm but not with that dew claws.
Not to long ago I was watching some film of a young roe deer playing in the sea, it ran straight across beach and jumped right in, and it was going nuts.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Was great timing when we saw him. A guy had just pulled along side our camp for a chat and we were telling him about the Reds we saw on the island the day before.
He was telling us how surprised he was they were on the island and just as he said that the big read came paddling from one island to the other about 100 yards behind him.
I knew my camera was too far away from me so rather than rushing to grab it I just sat and watched is awe instead.
Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
Hi dwardo, made any new bows lately?
Do you remember in the news some years ago when a big red being pursued jumped off a cliff in to the English channel and got rescued by the RNLI. poor thing looked shattered.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Hi dwardo, made any new bows lately?
Do you remember in the news some years ago when a big red being pursued jumped off a cliff in to the English channel and got rescued by the RNLI. poor thing looked shattered.

Lo mate, yeah remember it well. Brave souls to tackle that one.
Not had a lot of time lately to play :( This was the last
Have some of my favourite cherry seasoning and a yew English longbow nearly done. Just need the time to finish them.
Then i will have to let some of them go as I am running out of room.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 12, 2006
paddling a loch

It was the large South facing beach of Inchmoan.

It's the mixed pattern of deep marks then lighter marks ? Two deer side by side ?

We normally see Roe deer there, never saw the albino one but it can be about.

We put in at Aldochlay - south of Luss - my foot is a size ten if that helps. What got us was the odd three fingered/toed print.

I need to make a wee plaster cast box of kit up and put in a wee clip and lock container for trips out.
Mar 15, 2011
on the heather
Hi again Scots Charles River.

As Bushwhacker said the “3 toe effect" is just partial registration of the cleaves.

Two deer side by side ?

Its looks like there are two separate trails, one a reasonably fresh elongated stride over an older more faded walking gait with a slightly disjointed look about it but still with good registration, see the pressure wave in the first track botton centre. It could even be the same deer on two or three consecutive days. Was it raining at any time in the previous 12-24+ hours prior to you getting there?
What you could try next time (it may help you to age and separate the tracks and trails a bit better) is pushing your thumb or a small twig into the ground and testing the firmness and consistency of the sand next to each track.
“Is that track slightly older than that track, or is the sand just a bit more compacted at that spot, sort of thing."
((Sorry Bro but I don’t think I'm explaining myself at all well here)):banghead:

There’s possibly another 3 tracks in the top right hand corner of the image OK there a bit out of context in the photo and very hard to see, So without seeing more of that area in greater detail? me dont know!
But I'am 99% certain it’s not a red deer not even a young red, red dew claws rarely show, are very small and set well back.

Good luck with spotting your Albino.
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