Contacting tree surgeons


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
How would one go about asking in the right way to obtain greenwood? I phoned a local tree surgery company and told them that I was a hobbyist woodcrafter and was looking to procure greenwood for projects, but this particular company just gives the wood to people with log fires.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
Try to arrange it so they know that saving you choice bits of wood is as effortless as possible for them. Last thing they want to do is taking bits of wood to your home and making nothing on it.
Plus, any tree surgeon with the chance will have a log fire himself, no way he wants to cut wood all day themn come home and pay to heat his (or her) house. A few quid here and there for burrs would help them hand it over.
Hello all,
just keep your eyes and ears open for any tree cutting that's going on. Ask if you can have a few bits. Has worked for me. Just make shure that you are visable, you don't want to sneak up on someone that's using a chainsaw. All I say is that I do a bit of wood carving, that seems to get their interest and they are happy to let you have a few bits. Good luck.
Regards Chris.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Calling people up on the 'blower is not the way to best go about it, methinks; keep your eyes open all the time and when you see the guys working wait for the right moment to approach them (tea break, smoko, or just a quiet moment). Don't bother them when they're busy, machinery running, climbing prep. etc., and when you do speak to them be as open and friendly as you can; explain what you do and what you waqnt, don't go on at length unless you're invited to, and it's a good idea to have a spoon or some artifact that you've carved or a work in progress to show them - I used to carry a couple of small bits with ne before I got to know them all, it's amazing how these little "ice-breakers" can stir interest in what you're doing...............and don't be shy of offering to carve 'em something small from the wood you get from them.

The golden rule though is to never try to make them think you know more than you do - good tree surgeons know a lot of stuff, and people who know their stuff will generally take pleasure in giving you advice on timbers and will also be more likely to put you on to other sources if you've presented yourself as friendly, intelligent and interested in what they do, and willing to be educated. They also know the smell of BS as well as you know the smell of coffee.......................Above all, don't wast anyone's time!

I hope this will be of help to you.


Dec 16, 2009
Ditto for above there was some tree surgeons working around the corner from where I was working I just stopped and asked them if I could have a log for wood turning and was told help yourself to one it was a nice bit a silver birch at about 18" across I made some nice bowls with it :)

mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
If at first you dont succeed, where theres a will theres a way.....
you dont necessarliy need to pay out money, but its useful to be willing to ocasionally use that option-dont over play your hand as some will take you for a ride and want £50 delivered for a crappy old punk birch trunk or something :lmao:...A lot of the time small poles get chippered up now, so you do them a favour if you take some of it away. It helps to show a sample or 2 of what you carve, it arouse curiosity usually. I have a good relationship with one particular landscape gardener, just 2 days ago he fetched me about 1/2 a ton of lime branches:You_Rock_good old santa Bob. Its cool, every so often I find these nice heaps of logs dropped just outside my carving shed, all sorts of species, cherry, laurel, laburnam, apple, hawthorn, to name a few.
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Full Member
Jun 17, 2013
Monikie, Angus
I usually just scrounge what ever I need/see at the road side.

If you see tree surgeons working, stop and ask them for some wood. It helps to keep a few packets of biscuits in the car to offer if you get any wood.

For all a few logs are worth you can even offer to pay in biscuits. It brings it all into perspective and you should get something for nothing.


Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
When I was running a team of lads & my tree business, I /we got fed up of people just asking, Can I take this, can you cut that, can you drop me that off. If it were old age pensioners, then its not a problem. We have a wood pile back at the yard. Logs are sorted and sold. Never needing to go to the landfill. Its when you start cutting 6" x 4' foot lengths of this and that, then the person who asked doesn't even bother to come and collect them from the job site. Having to go back to a job and re-load a wheelbarrow full of logs, because there were too many logs to put in the boot of your car, after you asked us to leave all of them there when you were passing with your dog earlier. It starts to make a tree surgeon reluctant to go out of their way to help people. We can give away logs, processed branches etc all day long. As folk have said, take your time to meet and greet, offer a box of Teabags or sumat, We may even deliver if its on route and we like what your planning. Just remember times money and they have a job to do.


Apr 10, 2010
Edenbridge Kent
The NT round here have volunteers who under supervision manage the woods.
they cut and what they don't take themselves they leave and other people help themselves to it.
i have permission but i'm sure most people don't.
it is probably a good idea to talk to your local NT warden.

bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
I have some willow, ash, balsam fir and poplar to clear in the next couple of weeks I will set some aside for you, inform you when its ready so you can arrange to collect it. I am about 12 miles west of you.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.