Conkers ????????

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2008
Norwich UK
Apart from playing games what uses are there for Conkers?

An old man the other day said they give of a chemical which spiders hate, is this true?


Apr 12, 2008
make inuit snow goggels by cutting in half, hollowing out and attaching string and making eye holes
Use as golf balls/marbles/catapult ammo/part of a throwing/ball game
Hollow and carve to make a Mini pumpkin style thing
make a very small crash helmet for a budgie
Glue to the bottom of your shoes to make you taller
Try stringing them together to make a clunky necklace/bracelet/shirt/bra(as a gift?)
Food/bait on a squirrel table (as opposed to bird table)
Use bits of the shell stuck on card to make a picture
See if you can make a pipe end from it
Learn Juggling
These are all theoretical ideas, i haven't tried any, so some might not be practical:)

small sugar pot
Fake eye replacement for people with glass eyes
seat or play thing for a small creature
Paint as people and make a family of strange round characters
Yule tree decorations, could be hollowed and filled with something
Grate it to make confetti
Hollow out, fill with wax and a wick, to make extremely cool candles. (This one might be dangerous as they might not stand up and the shell might burn.
Make something like these acorn craft animals


Quite a few things there to keep you busy ;) :D


Apr 4, 2009
You can make cordite, (explosives) out of the starch content from the nuts. Also make a balm to rub on varicose viens and haemmorrhoids, should think you do that for yourself though!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Apart from playing games what uses are there for Conkers?

An old man the other day said they give of a chemical which spiders hate, is this true?

Hiya Globetrotter,

On the conker / spider front I was taught that ( and it may not be true) that if you put a conker in the corner of each room by the skirting boards ( where spiders run around ) they think mice are storing nuts - and mice eat spiders so the eight legged freaks run away!!!

May be true or not - maybe it is just a chemical spiders hate. One thing though is that when you own a Jack Russell they seem to find conkers irisistable at three in the morning and the noise of them being rattled about the house by a Jack Russell Terrorist on speed when you're trying to sleep can be "off putting".

I do find that a combination of conkers, sonic scarers and keeping the house fairly cold ( hey I can't afford the heating anyway tends to keep the numbers down.

The little four legged furball used to like chasing spiders though in recent years even he seems reluctant to take on some of the bigger ones - which worries me as rats and dobbermans seem fair game so why not the spiders!!! what does he know?!?!?



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