Congratulation, Britain!

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
What happened? No tv and radio battery needs replacing enjoying total peace and quiet for two days with a new book and my knitting needles have just finished making a pair of socks. Guess you mean the new kid on the block. Boy or girl?


Full Member
Feb 13, 2016
You mean our Archie.............................not sure where that name came


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Archibald surely?

He's a mountbatten- other past royal surname. Of course they're all a triple barrelled surname ending in Gothe or similar. All good Germanic and very noble surnames. The only surname that's made up for them is Windsor.

Heard on the radio that this week Prince Charles was in Germany doing the soft power diplomacy thing. Apparently he's better received in Germany than he UK because he's seen as a bit of a green sympathiser and the green party is more significant in Germany than here. So he is respected more in Germany. Plus he speaks German too.

Personally I don't give a hoot over another royal birth. 7th in line to the throne means he's insignificant. Even more so if, like me, you're hoping to see an end to constitutional monarchy in your lifetime.


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Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
I think most of us here are a bit ‘Die Grüne’ minded.
I write the name of the German party and not the British one as I do not have a clue what their ideas are.
But let us skip the politics, it only leads to grief!

Yes, an unusual name, imo. Not many boys were named that the last decade ir so.
But niw it will soar to the top!
People are copycats.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
There are a couple of Archie's in the schools up here, so it's not a completely uncommon name to hear shouted up here :)


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
There's a comedian (mixed race if that's relevant) who's got that name. He jokes that it's a dogs name. Also regrets that he's called master Archie and not styled a prince yet. Prince Archie could at least slightly rehabilitate the name a bit.

At least of he ever became monarch they sometimes take a different name. I heard prince William would be called king Henry or something else different to William on getting the top job. Prince Archie could become king Winston or king Freddie.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Slowly they really have enough and easily could send us one back!

Hmmm, let's see.
Queen Victoria was half, and that half came from the daughter of a Stuart king ....note not German
The Queen's Mum wasn't German.
Diana wasn't German,
Therefore Harry isn't German, and Meghan is most emphatically not how's the bairn one of yours ?

Those rather impoverished little German kingdoms were simply handy reserves of Protestant princes to marry otherwise not terribly appealing daughters.....see Princess Mary Adelaide for instance.....bred a nice healthy daughter though :)
What was it they said of Prince Albert ? Gone to marry England's fat queen and fatter purse.

As for getting rid of a constitutional monarchy.....well what would you replace it with ??
Trump :rolleyes:
Saddam Hussein or how about the African or South American type ?
the French are still rioting against the 'establishment', even though they executed their royals.
or, wait, I know, we could do like the Chinese, North Koreans and Russians do....nah, I don't think so.

The Queen (or whoever the next King is) has really only one focus, to see the country thrive, regardless of who's in parliament. That's no bad thing.

Expense ? apparently the royal family tourist effect is so massive that it more than outweighs the public funds spent on security, etc.,


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
How about German chancellor?, French president? What do Scandinavian countries have? Do they have a constitutional monarchy or other? I really haven't looked. You can always find dodgy presidents but what about monarchs? It's a good thing the right wing king abdicated before his nazi sympathising rule got going. Looking back through time how does the monarchy stand up against modern dictators? The more their power got limited the better UK society got (not all related to that but who knows what the connections are).

Neither constitutional monarchy nor a Republic is perfect if the people at the top are far from perfect. However popular vote has to be better than privilege of birth to decide head of state. The latter is so arbitrary, from generation to generation you never know what you'll get. At least elected head of state can be replaced after their period of office. Bring in elections for monarch. Who would you vote for monarch? Charles, William, Princess Royal, David Walliams or stormzy?
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Full Member
Feb 13, 2016
2 problems there, the head of state in the UK has never been elected or voted in by the people, and if the Monarchy left, there would be no UK, you can,t have a Kingdom without a monarch.its a bit like the problem with the House of Lords not elected, nor do they have any responsibility for their actions................that's democracy.........I think not.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
United States or counties of Britain? USB or UCB?

If you modernise any one of those two institutions you might as well do the other. Remove the CM replace the Lords with an elected house and vice versa.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I remember way back in middle school we did a comparison of sorts on the merits and flaws of the various types of governments. Monarchies had more merits than you might expect.
- continuity = long reign and often shared values/goals among succeeding generations
- aptitude = an entire lifetime spent preparing before assuming the role
- concentration = freedom from campaign worries and toils allows th monarch to focus entirely on the role at hand and yes, sometimes the freedom to make unpopular decisions can be an asset.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
How about German chancellor?, French president? What do Scandinavian countries have? Do they have a constitutional monarchy or other? I really haven't looked. You can always find dodgy presidents but what about monarchs? It's a good thing the right wing king abdicated before his nazi sympathising rule got going. Looking back through time how does the monarchy stand up against modern dictators? The more their power got limited the better UK society got (not all related to that but who knows what the connections are).

Neither constitutional monarchy nor a Republic is perfect if the people at the top are far from perfect. However popular vote has to be better than privilege of birth to decide head of state. The latter is so arbitrary, from generation to generation you never know what you'll get. At least elected head of state can be replaced after their period of office. Bring in elections for monarch. Who would you vote for monarch? Charles, William, Princess Royal, David Walliams or stormzy?

Mrs Merkell who has literally opened the flood gates to unregulated immigration...nice example there for an already overcrowded island, and the French are (yet again) rising up agin their government :rolleyes:
Nope, not inclined to think either of them's better than our own system, Scandinavian countries have constitutional monarchies, as does Holland, Belgium, etc.,

It's stable, it works despite whatever political shenanigans are the flavour of the decade.



Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
Yep, most of us in Norway or Sweden like ( even love) our Royal Families.

Of course there are a few people, communists usually, that want to abolish the monarchy.

Monarchy is excellent.
Good PR for the country, brings continuity.

I jsve read that little Archie will not get a Royal title??
Can not be true? Surely he will be prince Archie?
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Full Member
Feb 13, 2016
Whether he gets a title depends on the Queen, he is so removed from ever becoming a monarch that a title is not warranted, it is usual for the regents grandchildren to get a title but not the great grandchildren..
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Need to contact Admin...
Feb 10, 2019
He could become "Earl of Dumbarton" which will be good for the community. The council will have to spend weeks, and lots of money painting lamp posts for when he takes 35 seconds to pass through the town centre, like his uncle, the Earl of Strathearn. Crieff never looked so good, for half an hour. Archie ?, an old Scottish insult is to refer to someone as " they think they're Archie".
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
The Mrs Merkel who has for a very long time been the stable presence in Europe and only in the last year been criticised for a policy based around humanity for those whose lives have been put at risk in their attempt to get the standard of living that a most Europeans take for granted. These people aren't criminals or terrorists but people using huge risks for the good of their and their family's future, being exploited by people smugglers and indeed some are leaving oppression too.

IMHO more should be taken in and by more EU countries. Instead they've helped to fund detention camps in Libya that's in the midst of a civil war.

If you're using the last year to write off the very stable leadership of ms Merkel I think you're being a bit selective about the matter.

As for Macron, is the French state and elected politicians any worse than our politicians? It's not the system that's causing the yellow vests to hit the streets. It's the reforms he's trying. Bear in mind many economists say the reforms he's putting through are needed to modernise the french economy. It's also kind of the norm for French citizens to protest especially if they're losing out or losing benefits / rights that are no longer affordable or right for the modern age.

As for stability being down to monarchy, in the EU all monarchies power is very much curtailed. Their parliaments and governments operate under the monarchy but in reality that's just lip service. If our monarchy was the cause of our stability then how does Brexit play out with that idea?

My view is actually that a fully elected Republic is better than a constitutional monarchy with an unelected upper chamber. The only issue with that is party self interest among the politicians. That's something present in constitutional monarchies too.
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Need to contact Admin...
Feb 10, 2019
The Mrs Merkel who has for a very long time been the stable presence in Europe and only in the last year been criticised for a policy based around humanity for those whose lives have been put at risk in their attempt to get the standard of living that a most Europeans take for granted. These people aren't criminals or terrorists but people using huge risks for the good of their and their family's future, being exploited by people smugglers and indeed some are leaving oppression too.

IMHO more should be taken in and by more EU countries. Instead they've helped to fund detention camps in Libya that's in the midst of a civil war.

If you're using the last year to write off the very stable leadership of ms Merkel I think you're being a bit selective about the matter.

As for Macron, is the French state and elected politicians any worse than our politicians? It's not the system that's causing the yellow vests to hit the streets. It's the reforms he's trying. Bear in mind many economists say the reforms he's putting through are needed to modernise the french economy. It's also kind of the norm for French citizens to protest especially if they're losing out or losing benefits / rights that are no longer affordable or right for the modern age.

As for stability being down to monarchy, in the EU all monarchies power is very much curtailed. Their parliaments and governments operate under the monarchy but in reality that's just lip service. If our monarchy was the cause of our stability then how does Brexit play out with that idea?

My view is actually that a fully elected Republic is better than a constitutional monarchy with an unelected upper chamber. The only issue with that is party self interest among the politicians. That's something present in constitutional monarchies too.

Well said Sir.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
According to the leader of the SNP in Westminster the parents are the Duke and duchess of wessex not Sussex. It's Earl of wessex and he's Harry's uncle.

No Prince title by right, it needs royal assent or the queen to bestow it on him. It'll happen by rights when prince Charles becomes king. If he doesn't (abdication in favour of William) then I'm not sure he'll ever become a prince.


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