Condor Nessmuk: Mini Review.

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Aug 1, 2008
I've been without a general camping knife for a while now and have always quite fancied the Nessmuk style of knife. Sadly I'm on a very tight budget and whenever I sell something to gain some cash, SWMBO dips into it and the budget rapidly shrinks.
So, when I spotted a budget Nessy I jumped at the chance and bagged one!

Bizarrely, it came with a lefty sheath and needed a few swipes over the ceramic rods to get it sharp enough to shave hair off my arm!

Batoning: It batons well IMO, not that I have much to compare it to mind as I usually use my axe for splitting logs and the like.

Feathering: It shaves wood off the batons easily, although I found it a little tricky at first to get decent feather sticks, but, that may have been me :rolleyes:

Chopping: For light chopping (splitting batons for kindling etc) it worked a treat, chipping nicely through the smaller logs.

Over All: I'm not disappointed with it for the price I paid, it does need a little TLC out of the box, (it could be sharper and the grind could be better) but nowt too serious!
The finish was plain and the handle is sturdy.
I'll have to make a new sheath for it, but that's just my personal preference :)

Thanks for reading.
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Andy W

Nov 22, 2010
Perthshire Scotland
Hi nice knife, I am gladyou are pleased with it. Did you get this in the UK or was it from over the pond, I would like to get a knife like this but I am struggling to find a uk supplier for this model.


Aug 1, 2008
Got mine from Hennie's in the UK (see link in #5).

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you could pick up a much better blade blank off one of the makers on these boards for not much more cash, but I don't think I could do them justice handle wise just yet lol.


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