Last night during a sort out of clutter, I found my old orienteering compass. The packet suggests it's made by Moscow Compasses, and it's a model 11 Thumb compass.
I know many of you in have rather fancy sighting compasses, or use the trusty silva baseplate compasses. But having grown up orienteering with a thumb compass, I have come to find them a really useful tool for navigation with a map. Alas this one has a large bubble in it, which seems to be stubborn about leaving, and it's big enough to interfere with the needle. I will be definitely getting myself another thumb compass tho.
Anyone else use a thumb compass for navigation?

I know many of you in have rather fancy sighting compasses, or use the trusty silva baseplate compasses. But having grown up orienteering with a thumb compass, I have come to find them a really useful tool for navigation with a map. Alas this one has a large bubble in it, which seems to be stubborn about leaving, and it's big enough to interfere with the needle. I will be definitely getting myself another thumb compass tho.
Anyone else use a thumb compass for navigation?