Community Project Experiments


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Due to the current situation in Seattle with the abomination that is CHAZ/CHOP I'm currently interested in experimental Community Projects - By that I mean the experiment in which where there have been televised coverage of Created community Projects and then the various Social Interaction and dynamics of such a group finding its feet and prospering/faltering.

The one I tend to remember is Castaway 2000 where a group inhabited the Island of Taransay and then worked to create and maintain a community.

In the edge of my ( faltering ) memory I remember another project set on the coast of Scotland??? Anyone remember the name of that??

I also think there was a Bronze aged project that got covered but I really don't remember the name..

I'm looking to try and find as many of these as I can so can people suggest or better provide a link to any of these Reality TV progs if they remember them please? I'll watch anything related if their is understandable dialogue or subtitles so doesn't need to be limited to English speaking progs.

Many Thanks for helping.
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Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
Just a thought to consider TeeDee. I would suggest there are two levels of search to consider when looking for such projects, the publicised projects held up as examples of success of such endeavours, and the unofficial efforts of various groups.

My own experience of this was when I lived on the Sussex Coast. A number of bedsit dwellers, van living people and others "Took over" a derelict patch of Downland on the edge of Town. They cleared the land of rubbish, dumped bike frames etc: and made allotments. All produce was traded amongst themselves and they helped each other with various tasks. It ran very well for more than two years until local election time came around. A potential Councillor got involved and basically hijacked the credit for the scheme. He used it as an example of what his party could accomplish. The opposition retaliated and pointed out that the whole thing was ' illegal.' The Town Council who in the past had simply turned a blind eye to it got involved and the scheme collapsed.

I only point that out because a search of known projects will reveal those on the Radar, but you may find there are some very successful projects running elsewhere, although I expect they will shy away if your interest appears to be at all connected with potential publicity.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Just a thought to consider TeeDee. I would suggest there are two levels of search to consider when looking for such projects, the publicised projects held up as examples of success of such endeavours, and the unofficial efforts of various groups.

My own experience of this was when I lived on the Sussex Coast. A number of bedsit dwellers, van living people and others "Took over" a derelict patch of Downland on the edge of Town. They cleared the land of rubbish, dumped bike frames etc: and made allotments. All produce was traded amongst themselves and they helped each other with various tasks. It ran very well for more than two years until local election time came around. A potential Councillor got involved and basically hijacked the credit for the scheme. He used it as an example of what his party could accomplish. The opposition retaliated and pointed out that the whole thing was ' illegal.' The Town Council who in the past had simply turned a blind eye to it got involved and the scheme collapsed.

I only point that out because a search of known projects will reveal those on the Radar, but you may find there are some very successful projects running elsewhere, although I expect they will shy away if your interest appears to be at all connected with potential publicity.

Hi , thanks , I'm more interested in reviewing the documented stuff to study the social dynamics rather than the maybe success/failure of it. It maybe a bit of a Car Crash TV but it seems to be the study of Ego and understanding how to manipulate / use Social Engineering with these things are an essential skill.


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