I never even gave it a second thought that this would probably be the case, but now you have pointed it out, It doesn't really surprise me in the least. Isn't this is just typical behavior of many humans? .
Until quite recently I hadn't heard or thought about it either

. And yes, it is quite typical ~ though I suspect that the poor (literally) coffee farmers are just trying to meet the demands placed on them by the folk above them in the chain.
so +1 for me :~ I haven't and won't. EVERYTHING to do with its been partially digested by a cat, EVERYTHING to do with the price & Now reinforced by Everything to do with the welfare of the Civet Cats.
To be honest I don't see much difference between Kopi Luwak and veg from ground 'improved' by organic fertiliser
Not every palate will like every flavour ;-) And if enough people are expected to like a hard to get bean, the price goes up. BUT ~ I like coffee AND the price has always put me off

. Are prices hiked up to market it as even more special, of course they are!

And as I mentioned, you can get ethically sourced Kopi Lowak (i.e from wild Civet Cats)
Thank you for the information! I don't drink coffee myself, but I've been curious if that coffee is really worth it, or if it's just some elitist hype
Obviously it's not worth it when one considers the animals. Good info!
To be honest, it probably is worth the money ~ I know a couple of people who drink it (Ethically sourced from wild Civets). They're coffee geeks who look into *everything* about coffee ... historical, processes ... quite probably which notable figures drank what and how much too!

. But they're not coffee snobs who turn their nosed up at lower cost beans or are impressed by a high price.
Will there be hype and will the hype have been used to hike the price? Of course!
Most people don't realise or know that Kopi Luwak is no longer the most expensive coffee bean out there* ... but, for the moment, those decades of 'hype' keep it on a smoke and mirrors throne

* Disclaimer, it could well be back on its throne. It had been deposed, but it could be back. Most internet searches will show that Kopi Luwak is King
And to reiterate ... you can get ethically sourced Kopi Luwak