carpet stain


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
don't know if it's correct but this is what I would do.
try to warm the area gently (e.g a hot water bottle not a hairdryer)
soak up as much of the oil as you can when it's warmed(i.e. runny) with a dry cloth/paper towel.
when you've got as much as you can soak the area with a water/washing up liquid solution. leave it to soak in(release the oils) then rinse and repeat.

if it's a posh carpet made with wool, wool is a type of hair (on a sheep) so you could even try a shampoo.

If it's an expensive carpet it might be worth getting a professional to look at it.


Sep 16, 2008
east yorkshire
Dont Rub it with anything (rubbing will only work in deeper into the fibre). what sort of carpet is it ie Wool/ Wool blend or 100% man made that will have a big bearing on what you can use.

My first choice would be good old clean hot water to dilute it as much as possible then blot it up (dont Rub!!) with kitchen paper or something very absorbent.

hope that helps.


Get a puppy,

Blame puppy.

In all seriousness if its a wool carpet then Wool Cleaner (look for it in Homebase) or Shampoo.

if its 100% man made then Flush it with Very Warm water, and hope for the best


Jan 4, 2010
S. Staffs
OK I am no expert but I did see a TV prog where they cleaned old tapestries by covering them with dry cornflour and then hoovering it off.

( I am not affiliated to manufacturers of cornflour nor carpets!)


rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
What you do is; move a piece of furniture over the stain:cool:
Thats what I did anyway, worked a treat till my other half wanted to know why I had put one of the armchairs in the middle of the room:confused:

seriously though; it will indeed depend on what the carpet is made from. If it is an expensive carpet, then consider a professional stain removal setup.

If you want to play indoors; (just as I often do:eek:) Then make sure you place a waterproof, protective sheet, on the floor or work surface, which can be rapidly scooped up in an emergency.

I hope you get sorted out anyway;)


Do you have accidental damage cover on your home contents insurance policy?

If so, you could claim for a new carpet - but BEWARE!

New carpets can lead SWMBO to think "Hmm, well if we're getting a new carpet we might as well re-decorate - oh, and a new light would be nice - perhaps a new fireplace as well, you know I saw one I liked just the other day.............................." (que stained carpet-to-total redecoration of lower floor of house in one easy to make mistake!)


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Did you sort it, or have all the combination of cornflower, stain devil and other stuff, turned you carpet into a bif gooey smelly mess? :D


Apr 2, 2009
Northern Ireland
Did you sort it, or have all the combination of cornflower, stain devil and other stuff, turned you carpet into a bif gooey smelly mess? :D

I have tried a couple of things and it has got lighter but i think it will have to be a new mat to cover it. :/
unfortunately it has also got bigger with all the cleaning so defo a something big :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
you know this reminds me of when i was a kid, i put a candle in a bottle and was trying to get that dribbly effect down the bottle with it. sat it on the coffee table in the living room and proceded to watch tv for a bit.
after a while i realised the candle was one of those none drip types, so i'd just wasted a candle for nothing (tsk)
then i looked at the ceiling... there was a large black stain on the ceiling right above where the candle had been!
i panicked and ran for the cleaning products (my parents would be home soon) i dug out some bleach and some hot water and a cloth and got up on the table to scrub and scrub and scrub.
no matter what i did i couldn't get this dark stain off the ceiling and so i decided to just tell my parents the truth.

anyway parents arrive home and its now gone a little darker out so the curtains are drawn and the lights are turned on, my dad instantly remarks "why is there a white spot on the ceiling?"

i look up and find that in the illumination of the uplighters there is in fact a brilliant white spot on the ceiling just where i had been cleaning... turns out the dark stain on the ceiling was in fact the shadow of one of the uplighters cast from the front window not a mark from the candle and all i'd done is give this area a damned good cleaning.
i can still remember my parents laughing about it when i told them what i'd done...

made my dad repaint the ceiling tho that weekend, i think it pointed out to them that it was about time they did so and about time they stopped smoking in the house!

crazy days..


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