-40? good grief!
I want to wrap up just reading that!
My opinon on (cold) temperatures is:
0 to -10 C Wet. You will be able to have bare hands a lot of the time, but any snow will be wet, skiing will at times be a
bother due to buildup, etc. But being able to work in comfort with bare hands is nice. But wet clothes is a fact of life:
having an outer snow-resistant layer (e.g. cotton anorak and pants) makes life easier, but they will, perversely,
be both wet
and froozen stiff. Actually moderna materials actually may make sense at these themperatures.
-10 to -20C Ideal. Less risk of betting wet, a bit colder, but easy to deal with if you have the proper kit. Still possible to work
with bare hands, just not for long, and metal will stick. Plastic may still be durable, but it is time pack away the
membrane based garments.
-20 to -30C If you have the kit and experince this is quite ok, no real hardship, but you have to think about what you are doing.
You can get into trouble, of course, but you have a margin.
-30 to -45C Rougher. Stilll perfectly doable, but you have less margin for making mistakes. Almost all plastics are fragile, and
bare skin can get frostbitten easilly. With crappy kit you can be in trouble fast, same with poor skills. Feet and
hands are the common problem areas.
-45 and colder Know Thy Stuff. Becuse you have very little margin.