Bushmoot Bannock Mix Recipe

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BANNOCK BREAD DRY MIX Bannock bread is something that is easy to make and cook around a campfire. This is a dry mix and can be stored until needed - just add a bit of water. Try adding fruit, bacon or onion.

1. 3 x Cups of Flour
2. 2 x Cups of Powdered Milk
3. 2 x Tbsp. of Sugar
4. 1 x Tbsp. Baking Powder
5. Luke Warm Water

1 x Baking Tin or Medium Bake Bean Tin or Frying Pan
1 x Large Mixing Bowl
1 x Tinfoil
Grease Proof Paper
A) Put ingredients 1 to 4 in together and mix into a bowl to create the dry mix.
B) Slowly add the warm water till you get a good dough bread consistency, Line your tin with the Grease Proof Paper then Roll your dough into a ball and put into your tin - leave in a warm area to settle for 20-30 minutes (if using yeast instead of baking powder).
C) Place cooking pot on a fire with heat underneath & above and cook til golden.
VARIATION: Twister Sticks: Get sticks you know aren't poisonous and get some dough and twist around sticks and hold close to fire – Cook till golden.
Ok, I give up, what's the tinfoil for?
that's probably a 2 person amount depending appetite

the tin foil is to scrunch up and use as a way to lift the dough off the base of the pot. creating an air gap stops the bottom of the bread burning before the rest is done.


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