

Bushcrafter through and through
Is anyone here familiar with bushcraftmagazine.com? i know there is a .co.uk one run by members here but i had never heard of this one before.

the reason i ask is i have been contacted by someone on behalf of the magazine wanting to display a particular item of my work in the magazine. the funny thing is they want me to send it to them directly and said it wont be returned. the email seemed genuine with contact email, telephone, and links to the website but something doesnt sit right with me and i have emailed back to ask why they would need the actual product and wouldnt return it?

any insight or advice would be appreciated cheers


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Was this the lot that Jackcbr of this parish subscribed to and then didnt get anything from or was that a different mag?


On a new Journey
Aug 24, 2010
Not sure in this one mate, sometimes it's best to go with you gut instinct bud.
I'm a subscriber to the magazine bud, give them a call mate, seems great, but the keeping the item sound a bit odd to me.


On a new Journey
Aug 24, 2010
Even if they are genuine I don't see why they can't show photos. Sounds like they're on the blag to me.
I'm with you on this mate, they could take the photos and send the item back, why would they need to keep it?
be careful our kid, these things take a long time to make.


Jul 18, 2012
South west
Scam! Don't send it! You'll lose it for nothing! Sound the alarm!
Seriously it's a well known scam, copy a genuine site or email near as possible to suck you in. Ill bet the telephone number looks like a mobile, but google it and it won't be. Something like 0704...
The address may be genuine but the crooks are quite practiced at intercepting parcels or at having the mail redirected. I've even seen things delivered to couriers who the put it on a plane out of the uk without realising they too will soon be out of pocket.
If it were a genuine magazine they would return the item or come along to you to take a pretty picture.
Be very cautious.

Rant over.

Good luck whatever you decide.


Apr 28, 2005
Staplehurst, Kent
Well its not us Hamish, we would not want to be associated with that sort of behaviour.

and just to be clear - we are bushcaft - hyphen - magazine dot co dot uk. and MAfro and I are memebers here. The other magazine (bushcraft and survival skills ) is bushcraftmagazine dot co dot uk and as far as i am aware Simon is not a member
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Sep 25, 2008
Gatwick, UK
Was this the lot that Jackcbr of this parish subscribed to and then didnt get anything from or was that a different mag?
No mate, that was Northwest bushcraft which has been taken down and looks like the publishers have folded.

I've checked out bushcraftmagazine.co.uk and it defaults to .com, then checked out the mag myself as I'm a subscriber, it's a legit company and publication. But I agree, if they can't send it back, don't send it in. Maybe offer to photograph it as they would like it and you might get an article out of it.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I write, as a freelance, for several magazines, writing reviews of gear.
I declined to write for BS magazine a number of years ago....

I ask to retain the tested gear - it generally gets a good hammering in the tests and is therefor not of much use to the company supplying it once the tests are done and it supliments my rather poor payment from the mags involved. If a company particularly wants the item returned after testing (to check any probs I have had with the item or if they also sell "pre-loved" items or any other reason) I am willing to do so - at their expense as if I have to return a large/heavy item I can be seriously out of pocket!
Some small manufacturers (who have aproached me not the other way around) have declined to send kit when I explain my working practices but most accept that reviews in several mags/websites review columns will be worth the equvalent exposure as the equvalent amount of advertising space - if not more!
I generally work with large manufacturers who have review sample costs factored in to their budgets, small companies often do not have big budgets.
If the exposure in the magazine is worth it to you in terms of advertising then I see no probs with your sending the gear to the magazine (though it would seem strange if they will not return the gear at your own expense after they have tried it out) but if you are not after the exposure then I would not bother.
I would take it as a compliment that they are interested in your work :)
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Jul 12, 2012
Yea it's one thing to say look me may damage X so you might not get it back if that's OK? But in this case it sound like some one after a freebe. And it's a trivial matter to forge email headers to make it look like it comes from a legitimate source.

So you did the right thing.


Bushcrafter through and through
well i took the risk and posted it off. worst case scenario i lose a small pouch that im really not bothered about. i figured it was a fairly elaborate scam for a measly pouch worth under £50. if it pays off i get some good publicity, and if not then iv not lost much. will see what happens watch this space!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
well i took the risk and posted it off. worst case scenario i lose a small pouch that im really not bothered about. i figured it was a fairly elaborate scam for a measly pouch worth under £50. if it pays off i get some good publicity, and if not then iv not lost much. will see what happens watch this space!

used to have a subsription to the mag myself, even won a Mora! Its not too bad, just didn't keep me interested enough to warrant another years fees. Hopefully they do a decent article about your stuff mate ;)


Bushcrafter through and through
I just dint understand why they can't return your work chap? Are they going test a pouch to destruction?

me neither Southey. i guess they must test it a fair deal but surely not to destruction. we shall soon see if a small box stitched pouch can withstand a hammer, a rash encounter with a rabid badger and make it safely through a minefield. only then can it hold someones precious iphone...i couldnt care if they destroy this small pouch to be fair. but if i get good publicity i will make them a sporran or something (and expect it back!)


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