Bushcraft Survey


Apr 29, 2003
Lake District
Dear Bushcrafters, Lisa from Woodsmoke here with a big ask! And a chance to win a Woodsmoke course :)

Below is a link to my Bushcraft Survey. It is a global survey, which I have designed to collect information for my Ethnobiology PhD research into 'bushcraft' and 'indigenous knowledge'. As there is currently no data concerning 'bushcrafters', it is both general and more specific in places. It is aimed at ANYONE and everyone with an interest in Bushcraft (and you can remain entirely anonymous)!!

It is quite long and will take at least 30 minutes to complete and there are 6 sections (the later ones get shorter). I would be so grateful for every single entry, and in return for your time, you can opt to be entered into a prize draw to win a Woodsmoke Woodlander or Native course for 2014! HOWEVER....you must largely COMPLETE the survey to be entered!!

The de-personalised statistical results will be made public in the Autumn for everyone to see and will be posted here and anywhere else I have asked for participants, although it will be another year before the thesis is ready.

To see more, click the link below. Many thanks!

Apologies if this is the wrong place for it, and I assume it can just be moved if there is a problem :)



Apr 29, 2003
Lake District
Thanks a million Elen :). I put it on our FB page and had over 200 responses is 24 hours! I am so excited, as I was hoping for around that number in 2 months! I hope it becomes a really big survey, as I think it will be so interesting for everyone involved in bushcraft, and to see the importance of bushcraft in the modern world :).

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Thanks a million Elen :). I put it on our FB page and had over 200 responses is 24 hours! I am so excited, as I was hoping for around that number in 2 months! I hope it becomes a really big survey, as I think it will be so interesting for everyone involved in bushcraft, and to see the importance of bushcraft in the modern world :).

Wow! that's good, I'm really glad. It will be very interesting if it is a big survey. What're you going to do with it when it's done - I mean apart from the thesis.


Apr 29, 2003
Lake District
Hmmm, apart from it informing parts of the thesis?..I have no idea! All I can see right now is the mountain that is the writing-up year of a PhD, while raising a 2 year old :)! But I am sure ideas will formulate as to where it might lead? :)


Apr 29, 2003
Lake District
Thanks All... So much appreciated :)!

...and John, so do I! I have conducted fieldwork and interviews in the USA and Sweden, and will focus on the UK this summer. I have done quite a few, but lots more to do...so if ur up for an interview, either in person or on skype, it would be great to hear your thoughts in a more expansive way :)!!?


Apr 29, 2003
Lake District
Will you be posting any of your analysis? Could be interesting to see why other people do this! :)

Yes! I will post the results sometime in September. I also think it will be interesting for everyone to see :)

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Thanks All... So much appreciated :)!

...and John, so do I! I have conducted fieldwork and interviews in the USA and Sweden, and will focus on the UK this summer. I have done quite a few, but lots more to do...so if ur up for an interview, either in person or on skype, it would be great to hear your thoughts in a more expansive way :)!!?

:) I don't do Skype - too technological for me :) and my internet connection keeps dropping out ever 10 mins or so...
Due to expense I do not travel much these days but if you are ever in West Wales or at the Moot I am always up for a face to face interview :)


Apr 29, 2003
Lake District
Hmmm...stats..not my stronest point!!:(

John...was really hoping to get to the moot, but so far it clashes with childcare issues. However, I will have another look at dates/possibilities as it would be great to go, both personally anf for research :)!
Did it last night at work.
A lot of very good questions in there that made me think rather than some surveys that are just a click answer no brainers
I'll be interested in the information you get purely out of nosiness.

I empathise with doing anything with a 2yr old in the mix!

Has Ben got a new prototype rain free work space in the pipeline? His last effort blew away whilst we were making bows.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.