Bushcraft skill list


Oct 20, 2010
Evening All,

Just joined after reading lots of great info on here.

I have just rekindled my love of bushcraft/the outdoors which for some reason has been dormant since my teenage years. I guess family and work commitments can get in the way!

Anyway as a bit of a beginner to the field I thought I would draw up a list of skills to tick off over the next while. So far I have:

- Light fire using firesteel and striker with tinder from the wood
- Light fire via bow and drill method
- Carve a spoon
- Carve a bowl

Any more ideas to add to the list guys?


Aug 12, 2009
How about doing this. Go about your normal routine for a day and think about everything you use and everything it means to you. Get a cup of coffee and think of the cup and the coffee and the nice fresh water than went into making it. You get the idea, it could be a long list in a whole day.

Don't worry, it's not a test but it gives you an idea for yourself of the kinds of things that you might be able to do for yourself and then you can choose what you want to spend some time on.

There are basics of course like shelter, water and basic food but the subjects can be endless if you are interested in them.

Most importantly, have fun :)
(oh, and I can guarantee that you will appreciate how easy life is in the modern world :D)
having recently started myself i can suggest tree idendifaction. I have only started this and already reaping the benefits after making elderberry wine (with the brilliant advice from lannyman8 of course) i'm finding it very rewarding you start to see trees with a completely different view.

also welcome to the forum good to see another member from good ole norn iron.


Oct 20, 2010
having recently started myself i can suggest tree idendifaction. I have only started this and already reaping the benefits after making elderberry wine (with the brilliant advice from lannyman8 of course) i'm finding it very rewarding you start to see trees with a completely different view.

also welcome to the forum good to see another member from good ole norn iron.

Hi Stinger,
Thanks for the welcome. Actually just started doing that with wild food (using the food for free handbook) and you are so right about starting to look at trees & flora in a new way. You might find this website useful to find where wild edible plants are located in NI http://www.habitas.org.uk/flora/plantgroups.asp

btw I noticed you are also going to the Ray Mears show on 1st Nov. I'm also going on my own if you maybe fancied hooking up for a beer beforehand.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Light a fire using matches, lighter, BBQ lighter blocks then move on to bow and drill.

Learn to pitch a tent well.

Learn to pitch a tarp well.

Learn to cook well with your kit, get used to the pots, pans and stove you will use and the food you will cook, no use going camping only to find out you can't cook. For a day or two cook your camping recipes at home in the pots you will use with the stove of your choice to make sure you do it well.

Learn to pack you rucksack properly.

Carving spoons and bowls is OK once you have developed your camp craft skills, until then don't worry about carving.
btw I noticed you are also going to the Ray Mears show on 1st Nov. I'm also going on my own if you maybe fancied hooking up for a beer beforehand.

think i may now be going with.little bro who unfortunately can't drink, if plans change ill give u a shout buddy. You may also want to check out Andy B's blog a fellow northern irish bushcrafter i find it very useful and interesting to see as its local. http://belfastbushcraftblog.blogspot.com/

P.S. Cheers for the very useful link mate!!!!!
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Jul 29, 2004
Three very essential skills
Fire, from basics techniques using a lighter, matches to more advanced methods like friction fire lighting.
Water, Collection and sterilization
Shelter, Pitching a tent, hammock and tarp to building debris shelters.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
My skills when outdoors are getting p*ss soaking wet through, crying like a girl and loosing kit all over the shop.
still have a blast every time i'm out ;)
My skills when outdoors are getting p*ss soaking wet through, crying like a girl and loosing kit all over the shop.
still have a blast every time i'm out ;)

HA HA HA :lmao: :35:

learn from melonfish what not to do.

as rick said the pitching of tarp well and camp discipline are good undermentioned skills
i would add establish a routine for when you set up and strike camp
mine consists of
1 get out meths stove and get brew water going
2 while water boils set up tarp
3 drink brew and plan whats next
4 gather and lay fire
5 designate 'pee tree' and solid waste spot
6 relax

if raining then tarp up before stove on

striking camp goes something like this
1 make sure fire is out
2 get stove going for brew
3 pack rucksack apart from stove/brew kit
4 make brew
5 take down tarp
6 pack away stove and tarp
7 drink brew
8 make sure fire is out

good luck with the learning


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
Wet through? got a Ventile jacket then ;)

have you seen the price of those things? hell no :D
i have since getting soaking wet through got myself an issue goretex, got the dan-cam one on order atm so i reckon i should stay dry from now on ;)
but yeah what man of tanith said really, camp priorities. shelter, hot drink and fire.
i got to a spot after a day working with BTCV and it had just started to spit, so i litterally threw my tarp up using my walking staff in a sort of mono pole thing in the space of 5 mins, threw my bivi in with sleeper and blew up my mat whilst my brew was on.
got under to sit down just as the rain hit all snug and warm with a hot cuppa (ahhh bliss)


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