By the sounds of it, it was a 'Hedge' witch
Oh don't get me started!!!!. I have so many puns on this thorny issue rambling about my brain cells. It just wouldn't be cricket though. .......
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By the sounds of it, it was a 'Hedge' witch
That’s true. A few years ago the Ears, Nose, & Throat specialist used an electric cauterizing device to seal some bleeding tissue in my nasal passages.I would apply an antiseptic cream, and protect it.
Heat was and is used to seal bleeding blood vessels.
Hot iron, or hot pitch was used in the past after amputations.
Today we use electricity.
Remember, any signs of infection, go to your dr.
Cartilage just below the skin does not fare well if you get an infection, it is badly vascularised and has a bad resistance.
Sorry bit of a bugbear of mine, the tattoo industry tell you to do this, the medical profession says it's a stupid thing to do, sealing in any fluids at the wound site.Good call with the clingfilm idea Mr MOD. That's what they now tell you to use on tattoo's I belief, I'll try that tonight and let you all know in the morning.
As a matter of curiosity, what did you use to burn it with? I can't imagine what you used or would use in your imaginary survival practice here.