Brass stoves possibly for sale!


Mar 6, 2006
Kent UK
Ok thanks for all the interest I have obvioulsy tottaly underestimated the demand :eek:

Back in 2004 I discoverred a pile of courious looking bits of metal and old tins of brasso under a pile of junk in my scout HQ. I collected all of these together without really knowing what they all are and filled a tea chest with bits. Some of the bits still have brown paper labels and string attached and look a bit like trangia simmer rings, I have no idea what they are!

The old (and I mean old) Group Scout Leader said that there used to be 20+ stoves in there but many of them had dispeared over the years, so I really don't know what is there or how serviceable it all is.

My original plan was to lay out all the bits, clean them up, try to make as many working units as possible, flog them on e-bay and then sell what was left over as a job lot

However from some of the messages this morning I get the impression that most people (if nt everybody) would rather buy teh stuff as it is and do their own refurbishment, which suits me down to the ground.

What I am proposing now is to go to the HQ this weekend, drag out the whole lot, photograph the various bits and post them here for advice and then offer them as lots, which would be detailed here, on e-bay.

Wether these would be a conventioanl auction, starting at 99p, or a fixed buy it now price I am not sure, but let me get the initial photos first and I am happy to discuss it. Either way it would have to be on a no returns possible basis but then it would seem that these things are quite easy to work on and repair.

Thanks for the interest


Mar 6, 2006
Kent UK
I hadn't forgotten.!!!

Summer camp is over I finally went to the scout HQ today to recover the old stoves, there is a nice pile there and I will be going through them over the next week or so.

Since the last post the group has a new Groiup Scout Leader who is quite receptive to the idea of passing them on but he wants me to restore 6 first (one for each scout patrol) and then I can have the rest.

Looking at the pile its going to take a few weeks but he is willing to help so I will keep you informed


Nov 22, 2005
A Good Way To Clean Up Old Brass, Is To Soak It In Lemon Juice for 10-15 Mins, Then Wash It In Water To Remove All Traces Of The Lemon Juice.

If You Do This A Couple Of Times You Will Have Gleaming Clean Brasswork Without Having To Mess Around With Brasso.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
If your going to clean up a batch of stoves, the easy option is to soak in vinegar. I buy a gallon or two of the cheap stuff and use a plastic bucket with a lid.

Soak for half hour or so, rinse under clean water, rinse the tank with meths (this soaks up the water), and get the Brasso out :)

Some stoves take longer, but check them, if the brass turns pink, it takes a lot longer to get the full shine up.

You can use the same vinegar for ages


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