Book on Plant Lore


Full Member
I am after a book on Plant lore. Not your usual spotter's guide, but one specifically with the uses of plants and trees.

Does anyone have any suggestions please. I have been looking for quite a while and can only find ones that will tell how to identify a specific plant or tree but not what their uses might be.

Thanks in advance.


Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
Hi Jack and welcome to BCUK!

Most of the guys here use one of the Collins Gem field guides, or "Food for free" (Richard Mabey). Though these don't cover all the uses of a plant (mostly aimed at edible, and sometimes medicinal properties). Thus not what wood you could use best for a ember fire, or what bark to use to make cordage, etc.

Also have a look at this thread:

The internet also is a big resource, drawback would be the fact you can't take it with you in the field ;)
This thread has some interesting links to websites:

If you're interested in a field guide that covers all aspects and usefull parts of plants, I suggest you read my post I made here previous:
The idea is simple: go for a good ID book (probably one you've already found) and add the other info (about usefull parts, edibility, toxicity, etc) yourself, either by writing in the Flora :eek: (blasphemy ;)) or use Post-its (though ... add the page number and name of the plant on it ... ;) ), or use a seperate note book :D.


Full Member
Cheers for that. I am using the Collins Nature Guides at the moment, simply because they have photographs of the plants and not colour pictures.

Thanks for the links to the threads. Am already making use of them, but am still after a book or books or plant lore as surely there must be one out there.

fred gordon

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 8, 2006
There is also an interesting book called TREE WISDOM by Jacqueline Memory Paterson which is just about the lore of trees, their myths, folklore and healing powers. ISBN 07225 34086 Cost in the UK about £12.99.


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