Three absolute MUSTS if you do open an account for whatever reason:
DO NOT use your real name - I know their rules say you have to, but break their rules, they're not your rules.
DO NOT use your actual date of birth. This goes for any organisation which asks for, but doesn't have a legal mandate or requirement for, your accurate personal information. LIE! Be like the Queen, have two birthdays. For those organisations where you are REQUIRED to use your accurate information then use it. For everywhere else, use a consistent lie, because a consistent lie is easy to maintain.
DO use a disposable email address! e.g. - if you decide to lose the failbook account, you can similarly abandon the disposable email address - if you use an address you use elsewhere you will periodically (yes even after deleting an account) receive reminders/prompts/please come backs etc.
Best bet... avoid avoid avoid. It's Internet cancer... and that's not a word I use lightly.