BCUK on Apple (MacBook)


Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
Right, my old and faithfull laptop is running on its last legs and probably will decease not too long from now. So I'm saving up for a new one, and I want to go for an Apple MacBook.


Any members on here who use one? Do you have any problems while you are on BCUK? (or anywhere else on the net?)

All comments welcome :D

mick miller

Full Member
Jan 4, 2008
Yes, it's lovely on a mac, but say goodbye to smilies, easily linked photos and all that other stuff as it doesn't work on Opera, Safari or Firefox - which pretty much is all the browsers that work on a mac. Most sites are okay provided the developer has done their stuff and checked for cross browser, cross platform compatibility. All major sites work fine. EDIT- sorry, that isn't knocking the BCUK site BTW:) DOUBLE EDIT - Especially when I haven't turned it on in my user CP!!!

I love mac's, no viruses (I know there are one or two but in reality I've been using macs for over 15 years without a problem and with NO anti-virus software, the ones that are there are pretty lame from what I've heard).


May 2, 2004
I use a mac with Firefox, no probs with smilies etc, the BCUK site works the same on my Mac as it does on my pc. No difference at all and my software isn't the latest version either.
Macs are much better than pc's I think. :)
Aug 17, 2008
I have a MacBook (one of 4 Macs), and BCUK runs fine on it. I use Firefox on all my machines.

I've used Macs since 1987 (my first was a Mac Plus), and have never had any major problems - the biggest thing that ever happened in all that time was one hard drive failure. I contrast that with the endless difficulties that seem to beset Windoze users, and Mac wins every time.


Sep 27, 2008
Johnstone, scotland
Yes, it's lovely on a mac, but say goodbye to smilies, easily linked photos and all that other stuff as it doesn't work on Opera, Safari or Firefox - which pretty much is all the browsers that work on a mac. Most sites are okay provided the developer has done their stuff and checked for cross browser, cross platform compatibility. All major sites work fine. EDIT- sorry, that isn't knocking the BCUK site BTW:)

I love mac's, no viruses (I know there are one or two but in reality I've been using macs for over 15 years without a problem and with NO anti-virus software, the ones that are there are pretty lame from what I've heard).

I dont want to stand on anyones toes here but Internet explorer has been getting used on the mac for years now and at one point was better than the internet explorer on a pc. So I really would not foresee any problems in getting a mac.

mick miller

Full Member
Jan 4, 2008
Other than there isn't a current version since 5 or 6... they no longer support mac as far as
I know. What I meant about the smilies is that I assumed PC users get to see the stuff ringed. I don't see any of that? Maybe I haven't switched summat on?

EDIT- I just have been informed that I needed to turn on ENHANCED EDITING in the user CP! Doh!

Ahem...everything works just fine on a mac too!


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May 26, 2006
Macs look beautiful, but compared to PCs are overpriced for the spec.

I've used mac and PC extensively at home and work, and these days there's nothing I can't do on a PC that I can on a Mac, so it's a no brainer.

As for anecdotal evidence of problems / failures, I can say with hand on heart that I've experienced no more problems with Windows compared to MacOS or vice-versa.

Morning Fox

Sep 30, 2008
You really should ignore the posts about no smilies and linked images etc, almost everything should work completely fine on OS X. Certainly BCUK works fine.

It is only the odd badly coded website that may be displayed a bit funny in safari etc but this is becoming more and more rare.

(I have worked in graphic/web design and used macs for years, so I know)

Get it! :)

Morning Fox

Sep 30, 2008
Macs look beautiful, but compared to PCs are overpriced for the spec.

I've used mac and PC extensively at home and work, and these days there's nothing I can't do on a PC that I can on a Mac, so it's a no brainer.

The Mac vs PC debate is age old and pretty fruitless. It's like arguing between getting a pet dog or a pet cat.

That aside, the extra expense goes on hardware that very rarely faults, an operating system that is so much more simple and intuitive, and is about 99% less prone to viruses.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
It's always worth checking a buyers guide before you buy. This one (which I've found reliable in the past) say's don't buy just now because there are updates due soon. I'd do a bit of research and see what the new changes are likely to be before deciding whether to buy now or not.

We're a totally mac household now. Robin and the kids have mac minis, I've got an Air, my work machine is a Macbook Pro and we still have an old 12" Powerbook which we use as a backup!



May 26, 2006
The Mac vs PC debate is age old and pretty fruitless. It's like arguing between getting a pet dog or a pet cat.

It is age old, but since Apple moved to x86 architecture, it's more relevant now than ever.

the extra expense goes on hardware that very rarely faults,

Mac / PC now use common architecture, so you can get just as good hardware in a PC.

an operating system that is so much more simple and intuitive,

Again, I personally disagree, I never found one more simple or intuitive than the other, but I guess it's up to the individual

and is about 99% less prone to viruses.

You're certainly less likely to get a virus on an Mac without firewall and virus protection compared to a PC without firewall and virus protection, but to use any computer on any shared network without this kind of protection is just daft.

Despite what some would have you think, MacOS is not less prone by design, just not as attractive to the virus writers. Most viruses these days are written for the purpose of gaining access to machines to use their processing power for spamming etc.
If 90% of people in the world used MacOS, then virus writers would focus their efforts looking for security flaws in MacOS and then writing viruses to exploit said flaws.

Sorry for the Fisking and possible thread hijack, I can totally understand why people want to buy a Mac, Apple's design nous is second to none (I have an iPhone and love it to bits, despite the technical shortcomings), but when it comes to a tool like a computer, for me Mac has never managed to put forward a convincing argument.

Good luck with it though Ahjno, I'm sure you will love your Mac! (And you can always get Boot Camp and run Windows on it!)


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