Bcnl ???


Oct 19, 2005
Perhaps a little out op place, but there is still no BushCraftNetherLands so I'm just dropping this here it here. ;)
I don’t know where you all going bushcrafting, but the problem is, that I didn’t find a place in Holland where you are aloud to go of the paths in the woods, and make a fire!!
So I will be dropping my question:

Where do the other Dutch people go?


Dec 13, 2004
Zaandam, the Netherlands
chrisvreugd said:
I don’t know where you all going bushcrafting, but the problem is, that I didn’t find a place in Holland where you are aloud to go of the paths in the woods, and make a fire!!
So I will be dropping my question:

Where do the other Dutch people go?

Well I don't know what the other Dutch members do but I am mostly going on dayhikes to spot wildlife. So I am not sleeping out and therefore haven't used a fire in the woods until now. I do however -illegally- go off the paths to try spotting/tracking animals, or to find a secluded spot to try bushcrafty things (for example last summer in southern limburg, to try the bowdrill or to carve something that to me :cool: resembles a spoon). I normally take my folding knife, wire saw (draadzaag), some rope, some food and drink, some plastic bags (to collect plants, nuts, berries or fungi) and a tick removal thingy (tekenpen) with me. I also carry an army poncho and a hammock (10 euro bij de ANWB-winkel, handig en makkelijk mee te nemen :) ) so I can make camp everywhere within minutes.

There is also the possibility of "paalkamperen" but I have never tried it. This means you are allowed to camp in the woods on some special locations with no other facility than running water (that has to be cooked before drinking). Open fires are not allowed. You can stay for 72 hours and the locations can only be reached on foot or by bike. They are maintained by "Staatsbosbeheer" so look on their site for info on exact locations (hope there is something nearby you, because here in Noord-holland there are no paalkampeer-locations)

Hope this helps,
Hi Chris,
I'm not Dutch but did live in Wassenaar for a while back in the late 90's.
I had quite a lot of difficulty finding places do bushcraft even though I was surrounded by woodland. It was particularly frustrating to live next door to hundreds of square kilometers of duin but only be allowed to use the paths :(

I ended up spending a lot of time in Meijendel trying to keep to the more remote areas, unfortunately it never was all that remote :rolleyes:


Dec 13, 2004
Zaandam, the Netherlands
chrisvreugd said:
anyone else??

There used to be a map on this site, dotted with all the locations of each BCUK member, but I don't know if it's still here (anyway, I can't find it anymore), maybe some off the other members can point out where to find it if it's still here.

Back to your original topic: actually I do a lot of my bushcrafty stuff at home, in the (very small) backyard. I managed my first bowdrill fire there and even slept there to try out my hammock & poncho (used as a tarp) combination.
I collect useful stuff (rietsigaren, berkenzwam, hazelaar voor de bowdrill on the dayhikes (or even on lunchbreak trips to the city park nearby the place where I work) to try it out at home. What I am saying is that my situation is not ideal but some aspects of bushcrafting can be done almost everywhere, I made pieces of nettle rope while on my way to work in the train!
However for more serious bushcrafting I would go to Belgium (Ardennen) for at least a weekend.


PS On the subject of "paalkamperen"; I have to add that during winter the running water is not available. The taps are closed to prevent them from getting frozen.


Full Member
Galemys said:
There used to be a map on this site, dotted with all the locations of each BCUK member, but I don't know if it's still here (anyway, I can't find it anymore), maybe some off the other members can point out where to find it if it's still here.

The map is one of the things that is being worked on at the moment, but I think you may find when it comes back up we may need to put our locations back into it as these may have been lost.


Oct 19, 2005
more dutch people then I thought!!
as far as I know there is no central thing in Holland (No BCNL :( ) that's bad, there is so much to learn from eachother.... maybe one day....


Full Member
Very true Chris, but you can add people to your buddy list and then when they are online they will be marked with a "+" sign next to thier name.

Once you have a few names you could also PM 5 people at a time so if you are looking at going out for a walk or you know you will be in someones area you could get the beginnings of a bushcraft Netherlands meet together:)


chrisvreugd said:
more dutch people then I thought!!
as far as I know there is no central thing in Holland (No BCNL :( ) that's bad, there is so much to learn from eachother.... maybe one day....


A while ago I started a Dutch forum on my site (, but then my provider decided it was a good idea to disappear, so all the content was gone :(

Now if have the site up and running again (opening 1st quarter 2006), but because I’m trying to set up my own bushcraftshop I don't want to run a shop and a forum. This to avoid any interests entanglement.

But I’m always willing to help setting up some kind of Dutch forum from a technical point of view.

And for bushcrafting in the Netherlands: there are a few good spots on the Veluwe, but be aware of the men in green :D




Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
leon-1 said:
ahjno is another one of your countrymen:)

Did I hear someone mention my name? :lmao:
I see you didn't forgotten me Leon ;) :D :lmao: :beerchug:

Here I am!!! (Sorry, guys I'm not a lot online lately ... living in my uni library ... and I'm in love ;) so swmbo needs some attention aswell).

Chris I don't think the forum rules allow me to second the Veluwe ;) - coz' it's a national park, etc. Which would make it illegal to camp out there.

About paalkamperen - I've got a .doc thingie with all locations (GPS coordinates, etc.) - PM if you're interested mate.
Staying at such a location should't be a problem in winter. Just take enough water with you and/or improvise when there is snow or rain. Did it last winter: no probs, and hope to go next january if I've got the time ...
Just bare in mind you are only allowed to stay on a spot with a max. of 3 tents ... Shouldn't be a problem, unless you're planning to go with more people or (in my case ;) :p ) are schizofrenic (sp?) :lmao:
(I wonder if a basha would be equal to a tent in this case ... :confused: )

Hope this helps!

If you've got any further questions, feel free to PM me (could take a few days before you get a reply though).

ooh and sorry for the excessive amount of smileys ;) - I really love them!!

Galemys said:
(...) I made pieces of nettle rope while on my way to work in the train!

:lmao: already thought it was you ;)
But you're right: you can practice your skills almost everywhere ... be creative, that's what's it all about in bushcraft most of the times.
IIRC even Mr. Mears spreads this message now (probably read it on here ;) ).


Oct 19, 2005
hi, nice there're a lot of dutchies :You_Rock_
but there raised another question, how do you all learn your skills, do you guys meet, or know each other from something??? Or are you just lonely bushcrafters that learn from them self, and meet at the me.....


Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
chrisvreugd said:
hi, nice there're a lot of dutchies :You_Rock_
but there raised another question, how do you all learn your skills, do you guys meet, or know each other from something??? Or are you just lonely bushcrafters that learn from them self, and meet at the me.....

I've been on the Woodlore Fundamental Bushcraft course in July 2004, so that's where I learnt most of what I know. I try to practice my skills whenever I've got some spare time ... which is not much lately: uni exams are about to start :(
On the course (on which I was the only dutchie) I met a few of the UK members of BCUK (Paganwolf, Kim, Dave Bliss) ... but never met one of the other dutchies in real life, only happen to know them through BCUK.

Using the bowdrill can be done in your backyard (or in your local park on a quiet spot: just drill until you get a nice ember, and then start all over - ... don't start a real fire, 'cause your not allowed to in a public place.
Just as carving: in your backyard (great to do this time of year with a fire basket (vuurkorf) - the fire of course started with bowdrill or fire flash with some natural tinder (my favourite). Making string can be done in the train ;) or on a night near the fireplace (but that's not romantic). Using your knife: prepare food or carve a spoon. Lighting fires: in your garden (don't burn your shed). Pitch your basha in your local park or wood: just for the day. If you've got a large garden: pitch it there and do a overnighter (if Mrs Vreugd allows you to ;) ). Skinning game: contact you local butcher or poelier and have a chat with them - christmas is near: bunnies galore ... Same goes for fish: fishmonger (sp?). Make some day forays in your woods, or go on a plant course (medical / edible) at you local botanical garden (heemtuin) I've been on a free one, organised in a town nearby.

I know it's more fun when you're with several people. But lots of us do it on their own ... and when something doesn't work they'll contact the guys here on BCUK for advice. After that it mostly works out nice and fine.

Hope to visit a meet of one of the guys in the UK one day ... but it all depends on when they organise it and when I've got time (from uni) to go to the UK. Maybe next january ... maybe next summer ...
Mostly to meet some people I've met on here and also for doing some serious bushcraft, which isn't possible in our overregulated country ...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.