Bananas thickening cream?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Fish ? :yuck: that's worse :(

I actually like bananas, but I can't eat them or kiwi anymore, they make my mouth burn and swell up :sigh:

Anyway, banana rum is easy to make, but I know of no way of clarifying it apart from letting it sit and settle.

Simply peel and slice bananas in quarters (along and then across), put into a biggish pot and lightly cover with sugar. Put the lid on the pot (not too tightly) and put it somewhere warm. It'll ferment, oh boy will it ferment :yikes: and it'll froth and it'll smell really, really good :) and all the while it's becoming 'fizzier'.
When the froth starts to drop back down (it needs a couple of weeks at least for the yeasts to really break down the gloopy stuff that holds bananas together) strain the whole lot into a demijohn. Add two teaspoonsful of sugar per pint. It'll take off again, but nowhere near as frothy. When it stops blooping through the valve, strain it again (yeah, it's a pain) and then let it sit for a while in a clean sterile demijohn or bottles.

I haven't made this in years, but it was a standard fixture of hogmanay camps as a teenager. We weren't quite so fussy about the clarifying, it was a kind of banana scrumpy I suppose. There was never, ever, any left over, put it that way, and since I really don't drink much it wasn't me who guzzled it :)
Much like the melon with one end taken off, seeds scraped out and the hollow packed with sugar. Though you can pour the resultant stuff out of that.
Kids learning to brew :) Do they do that nowadays ?


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Have you tried pectolase or pectic enzyme on the banana rum Mary? Might help the clarity along

Hmmm anchovy rum :D What do you reckon Richard?

...perhaps not on balance!


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Good grief, it's even got coconut in it :yuck:

I'd bet for folks that like fish though, that recipe is pretty tasty for dinner :)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Pretty much what goatboy and Xylaria said. The basis of most smoothies, the (revolting) nana is a farm for complex polysaccharides. Nanas uniquely have a relatively soft structure and are easily dispersed in other liquids. "Innocent" smoothies are pretty much fruit in nana mush. They are however a pig for brewing with....I have yet to find a pectic enzyme that can break up nana haze. Mash em and feed em to toddlers is more or less their only use :)

The haze might not be pectin. The cloud is problably a long chain polysacharride, but not pectin. pectolic enzyme wouldn't clear alginate not like I have tried to brew with lava bread, enzymes are really very specific. The plantain family make really long chain water soluble sugars, hence why they have the medical properties they have, pectin doesnt absorb anywhere near the amount of water fibrogel does.

Campfire baked bananas with chunks of chocolate mmmmmm lovely.
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