Bad Belly Cure


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
before i went away to Afghanistan there was a thread about this, it intrested me very much, while i was in Afghan i had to use the advise i had see on the thread for a real cure.(i had no medic or tablits to take at that time)

i used 2 things very basic which could be improvised if need be from other things.


the strong tea gave me the tanin to help block me up as it where, and the honey as fuel while not eating and as an ant-bacterial.

this mix worked a treat in about 1 day the results where clear. i must say i was very bad and for it to work that quickly i was shocked realy.........

you could also use accorns for tanin and other plants for anti-bac and add fruit for sugar.....

has anybody else used such method and to what effect????????


Oct 7, 2010
I'm pretty wary of antidiarrhoeal drugs. If I have a GI infection, I want it purged from my body. Not sitting in my gut in a big septic curdled lump. I'd only recommend them if there is somewhere you absolutely have to get to without ****ting yourself on the way, i.e. back to base. Otherwise, if you're in a place of safety - go with the flow, so to speak - and rehydrate as your first line of treatment. Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) is a good, cheap and lighweight remedy to carry with you in the bush.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Honey has been used for thousands of years as a bactericide for dressing wounds. I think any strong sugar solution would do almost as well, but there might be things more biologically antiseptic in honey that help. The medicinal uses of tannins are well documented.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
I'm pretty wary of antidiarrhoeal drugs. If I have a GI infection, I want it purged from my body ....

That's OK for some ailments, but for some (like Cholera) it simply isn't possible to rehydrate fast enough to replace the lost fluids and you die because your heart can no longer pump the sludge in your veins. In such cases if you can't arrange a drip prevention might be better than cure, so to speak.


Oct 7, 2010
That's OK for some ailments, but for some (like Cholera) it simply isn't possible to rehydrate fast enough to replace the lost fluids and you die because your heart can no longer pump the sludge in your veins. In such cases if you can't arrange a drip prevention might be better than cure, so to speak.

Antidiarrhoeal drugs are contraindicated in cholera, and most other serious GI infections. ORS will keep you alive in these cases, even if your D&V continues, as long as you drink more than you lose, you're ahead of the game.


Need to contact Admin...
Oct 12, 2005
Balcombes Copse
As relevent as all the replies above are, I think what Chris was highlighting was an emergency amelioration in an unexpected and possibly un-prepared for, situation. He does not appear to be espousing a clinical treatment....

D&V and its 2ry symptoms and complications depend enormously on the primary cause...but in the field any alleviation is better than none...

There is of course no substitute for medical advice...
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
Honey has been used for thousands of years as a bactericide for dressing wounds. I think any strong sugar solution would do almost as well, but there might be things more biologically antiseptic in honey that help. The medicinal uses of tannins are well documented.

My Gran used to put honey on our cuts and grazes when we were kids. I think there's zinc in it.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
what Stovie said..........

as i said it was all i had at the time, i just remembered what had been said before on this site.

of course you should always see a doc and take the correct precautions with water etc.

in my case i think it was a bug or contamination on my food flies or dust which is said to be around 80 % human waist. (not sure how true that is, though they do spread it on the fields).

my water was fine bore hole filtered and clorinated......RE equipment tested every 7 days.....

just thought i would post up the results just in case you ever need to know is all.......




Oct 7, 2010
Sorry, the whole Antidiarrhoeal thing is a pet obsession of mine. Stuff like Loperamide is bandied about on the internet as a first line treatment for D&V over and over again, when using it in this way can be positively dangerous. I am anti-antidiarrhoeal and I can't sit back and hear people espousing their virtues, pharmacological or natural remedies, without calling it the way I see it.

Believe me though when I say I'm not arguing for arguments sake. I am fully aware that I am very new here and I'm really not trying to upset anyone.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Chris, I'm glad that you found something that worked, when you needed it, in very inhospitable conditions :D

Ronnie, new or not, everyone has an opinion and knowledge. Generally we're quite happy to listen if you make sense :cool:

For myself, I reckon if the body wants rid of something, let it. Just make damned certain you stay hydrated (and mineralised ? vitamined, etc., ) while it's doing so.

That said, we all can think of times that we'd take anything that would stop the trots until we got to medical attention.

I think there are some basics in this; the hydration salts for instance, but otherwise, it depends on the who, the where, the when and the how quickly it could become a life threatening issue.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
im not upset, got thick skin

when i was ill it was about 40 c. and i could not get enough fluid down me, thats why the honey and tea came into use as thats all i had. i would normaly just eat as normal and keep the fluid coming which is what our doc's say to do.....



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