Backpack Stretcher


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
Oi! I could use one. I am averse to any extra weight as you know. Is it a 'heavy' pack when empty?

Better to improvise a backpack for the contents than improvise a stretcher.

If you have no takers before you leave PM me and I'll add it to course materials

Its not noticeably heavier than any other military 40lt pack, about 2- 2.5kgs empty at my estimate

it a good pack and makes a damn good stretcher too, so its not a compromise or a gimmick

no need to improvise pack to take the contents, that is what the expandable side pouches are for, when you convert the main pack into the stretcher the contents goes into the side pouches which detach, expand, zip together and form a pack.
Darn... I knew somebody must have had the idea before I did...

Combining a pack with some other useful item... my idea still is (DIY) to create a COMFY, (lightweight, yet sturdy blablabla) hammock wich converts into a pack. Something like that stretcher of yours or the Moonbow Gearskin...

> that you can suspend him upside-down from the straps at his feet (or indeed in any
> position) without any danger of him shifting

Allright..... how DO you know :)

Grtz Johan


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
Darn... I knew somebody must have had the idea before I did...

Combining a pack with some other useful item... my idea still is (DIY) to create a COMFY, (lightweight, yet sturdy blablabla) hammock wich converts into a pack. Something like that stretcher of yours or the Moonbow Gearskin...

> that you can suspend him upside-down from the straps at his feet (or indeed in any
> position) without any danger of him shifting

Allright..... how DO you know :)

Grtz Johan

well, I want to have a play with my new toy and I was intrested to see how well it would work with a patient over six foot tall. my younger sibling happened to be visiting and he is over 6ft tall :D

works well, your victi.. I mean patient is so well restrained if you do the straps up tight, that they cant readily escape without your assistance.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
I have had an offer for this from a person off site (not a BCUK member) but since it was offered here first, I would like to make one last check that none of the BCUK members want it before I sell it.

I've been informed that apparently these used to cost almost £500 new :Wow:


Full Member
Wayland - thanks for remembering
Interesting idea for a quick snatch rescue but not really suitable for MRT used - it'd be a nightmare to carry any distance, doesn't immobilise the causalty, isn't lowerable/haulable and would last about 5 minutes in a cave. Plus the approval for anything used in MRT is really strick - there is a list of what should and shouldn't be used.

That said that isn't what it is designed for; a a patrol pack that can be used for extacting an injured colleague where transport is close to hand it look top notch


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 14, 2004
That's a very impressive piece of kit.


This pic makes me think that a pack that turns into a hammock or cot would be a nice design to play with :cool:


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
would last about 5 minutes in a cave.

I agree with everything in your post with regards to it not really being suitable for mountain rescue teams, who have their own specific gear for the job. But with regards to its robustness, it’s made of the same material as my caving suit and stitched to the same standard as any other military LBQ. So I think it would do just fine.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
Your right it wouldn’t last long if used regularly as a cave rescue stretcher, nothing does. But one rescue, it would do just fine I think.

It’s not really designed to be used by emergency services on a daily basis, but as a self rescue device for groups in remote places. a rucksack for the vast majority of its use, but a stretcher when required.

There are no takers for this then? say now if want it, once its gone.....


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