back garden expedition/mission to save the world.....


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
A story of the brave warriors.

by dad.

There were 3 ninja warriors called Robin-san,Benjamin-san,Charlie-san,apparently they were a special class of Ninja stealth ,well hard and dead cool ,according to them anyhow,and oh and i nearly forgot to mention Jack aka Dick proenneke a woodsman of fame,killer of the 20 foot grizzly bear and whittler of spoons(apparently!) and this intrepid group,nay,band of brothers (ages 13,11,9 and 6) decided they would save the world by camping out in jacks new lavvu tent in the garden,this being November and all that,beds were made and pillows festooned with teddy bears and nibbles for the night,fire was lit and hot beverages served by Ben who was 'best at this sort of ****,oops sorry dad' after tales of previous exploits ,battles and a flurry of fart jokes and much giggling ensuing the 4 brave men,for they were were brave, they were camping in the wildest hostile territory full of triads,'howlers' and according to Ben 'well scary ****,oops sorry dad' went to their 4 season sleeping bags,except for Charlie who had 25 million zillion season bag.
Still more fart noises emitted from the lavvu tent accompanied by exclamations of 'phfwar!' and 'thats stinky ****,oops sorry dad' by Benjamin-san after ten minutes or so eventually dad announces he is popping back in for a bit for a hot drink and a digestive biscuit in the nice warm house with the fire lit.
within 5 minutes brave Charlie -san was back in and in mums bed in case she got scared,quickly followed by Benjamin -san who apparently needed a wee and disapeared upstairs 'to the loo' and hasnt been seen since,surely not in a warm bed? not THAT brave fellow! all that remained now was Jack and Robin each determined to stay out in the tent longer than the other,each battling with each-other for the last man standing is truly worthy of his title as Ninja stealth mountain men.
You know i think their dad is about to turn the outdoor light out and announce hot chocolates made with toppings of mini marshmallows,oh and not forgetting that there are warm beds upstairs,merely of course just to warm up a bit,no shame in both coming in at the same time and all that!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Mr Fish, reading that's the perfect end to a Sunday as I sit here eating a Christmas pudding I found in the kitchen press with a date no longer really legible. So mature pud in belly and heart truly warmed that there's great Dads and families out there I say thank you. I'll rest easy tonight.
Lucky lads.



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
What Colin said :D.....except it's some rather crunchy corncracker things and marmite (diet, don't ask)

Yeah, that's what childhood is about, and that's how Dad keeps an eye on the lads :)



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
So Mr Fish did the Dynamic Duo stay out last night or succumb to the lure of hot chocolate with marshmallows?


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