Asthmatic? Anyone for smog?.......


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
When I met my wife to be over thirty five years ago we'd visit Merthyr Tydfil where her family lived. Back then I was un-diagnosed asthmatic but would end up taking a dose or two from her Spinhaler (any older Asthma folk will know this, pre Ventolin really) which I never needed in brum. Back then home coal fires were still common in that area, certainly open coal fires in the home were common and her dad had his coal allowance which heated the three story four bedroom house including hot water. Sometimes you could hear the back boiler boiling and dad in law would say 'go on, have baths or the bloody house will blow up' lol

Pollution is on the increase in some respects hence my vote for nuclear power but how about those of us who choose to use wood or coal, how 'clean' is that. Coal is non renewable, some wood is but even home burning (stoves) throw out gunk into the air and if not now then in the not so distant future we'll be buying wood from overseas where perhaps the yearn for dosh overcomes the need for a renewable source, so where do we stop and look at the fuel we use?

If you can store wood for the right seasoning cycles and replace what you use (and more) then go for it; if you have neighbours within a quarter mile think about the impact upon them your fuel of choice is having.


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