Ask the Audience. Wind up torches.

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How about multi use stuff ? stuff that gets used and kept fresh because it's useful.

A wee tube of vaseline is not only good to stop chapped lips, heal hacks on fingers, good on grazes, etc., but squirted on a bit of stick it'll start a fire with a match, at least as well as any firelighter. It'll also burn with a candle like flame if something wick like is inserted into a (one of those wee metal nightlight holders works to contain the vaseline) glob of it.

Indeed and if no propriety tubes are available, although little rather useful vaseline tins are , melt it and pour it into plastic straws and seal by melting the ends. Even melt it and pour it into a larger tin like a boot polish tin or other.
……… and you can buy it in teeny tiny jars that will fit in your tobacco tin even if you are paying more for the plastic jar than you are for The Vaseline.
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Bag contents are as fellows.
1. ferro rod and fire kit, tinders, vaseline etc
2. socks and undies
3. first aid kit
4. fishing gear
5. SAK swiss army champion
6. sleeping bag and tarp
7. water filter, cup and bottle. cooking pot, tea and powdered milk
8. sewing kit.
9. Mora companion and sharpener
10. soap and tooth brush.
11. WIND UP TORCH or O LIGHT AND SOLAR, hence the thread

Thats about as far as Ive got My ears are open to any and all suggestions. tar much amigos. xxx
I'm not knocking your option to explore BOBs - have fun , i think most people do at one stage. Like tobacco survival tins its a sort of rite of passage/itch to be scratched..

But realistically having BOB on standby is really only applicable to a very small amount of civilians - ( in my opinion ) - If you work in an area ( Likely abroad ) in somewhere that isn't stable for rule-of-law or if you're in the UK and live within an area where its relative more probable that you will need to evacuate at a moments notice.

Living next to a Gas processing facility , Nuclear facility , rowdy weatherspoons...

There is also nothing wrong with having a bag of useful bits and pieces in a van especially if you live in/out of it.
I think anything can happen and as I said it is better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it. I think society is a house of cards. Especially with technology. It only takes a decent solar flare to take down the grid and besides I have actually used my bug out bag. I bugged out of Oldham with it nearly forty years ago :). x
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A wee reel of dental can take it out of the holder and it's the size of a sewing machine bobbin.
Useful stuff. Not just for sorting teeth, but it's a really strong repair thread, will work on leather, etc., and it's strong enough to lash stuff together too.
I think anything can happen and as I said it is better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it. I think society is a house of cards. Especially with technology. It only takes a decent solar flare to take down the grid and besides I have actually used my bug out bag. I bugged out of Oldham with it nearly forty years ago :). x
And not just anything as major as that but also industrial accidents even military screw ups, oh yeah and lets not forget flooding folk have been moved out because of flooding

I have considered creating a BOB and I may yet but not a BOB in the US sense given there is no big country to escape to hearabouts. But in the consideration of creating a BOB it did cause me to observe what hazards surround that could pry me out of my home where I have pretty much everything I need and that was a sobering exercise given the consideration of the bulk oil and gas installation about a mile away and not just that for there a few other silent invisible potentials around here. To think the sort of BOB I need is a small grab bag containing important documentation, meds, family photos a bit of climatic stuff, and precious little else and certainly not anything I don't use normally anyway as my day bag contains most of the 10 C's.

But wind up torches, I think not many have had good experiences of them to be in a position to recommend any
A wee reel of dental can take it out of the holder and it's the size of a sewing machine bobbin.
Useful stuff. Not just for sorting teeth, but it's a really strong repair thread, will work on leather, etc., and it's strong enough to lash stuff together too.
Thats a good idea but my cotton is industrial and really strong so got that covered. Thanks though as I am always happy to hear of other ways. x


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