As it's turning cold...


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Just remember this... :rolleyes::lmao:



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
If you're reading this Bob where-ever you are I'm sorry.
Many years ago while studying in Inverness I was trying to finish a report that I'd been putting off. After my evening meal I was back at it and thought, "I could do with a ciggy." I realised they were in my car so I stepped out into the freezing winter night, already the car was frozen solid and an idea came to mind to pay back a practicle joke from earlier in the month.
I filled a bucket of water and poured it all over Bobs car. Throughout the night I repeated this with many buckets in the frigid arctic air building up a thick layer of ice as I pulled an all lighter to finnish the report.
Next morning while eating breakfast I innocently asked my housemaid Bob if he wanted a lift in that morning. He declined as he had later classes than I and was heading to the gym after the days studies but that he would leave with me as he had to go into town.
Breakfast over and wrapped against the frigid morning air I headed out to start my car and start scraping the windows. Just as I was finishing Bob came out and stopped in his tracks. He stood mouth agape looking from car to car, mine though coated with hard frost was clear window'd while his was encased, entombed even in a thick layer of ice. :D
Found out later that night that it took him over an hour and many kettles to even get one door open never mind getting the rest of the car into a driveable condition. Even his wheels were frozen to the ground.

So sorry Bob, it was me. I never let on, you thought you fell foul of freak weather conditions, rather than a happily vindictive sod of a flatmate. :rolleyes:

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.


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