Anyone know if a trangia burner will fit in this?

Jimmy Bojangles

Sep 10, 2011
I made a similar device out of a cut down dog food tin. I made it so I can use it with solid fuel tablets or a trangia. It fits inside my 12cm Billy can, then my tatonka mug goes inside the burner and he trangia goes inside he mug. Works a treat even in strong wind.

If you want to see some pics I can email them to you, (still can't figure out posting pics)




Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 15, 2010
The best way is to open a free account with an image sharing website (I use Photobucket, there are lots more too though).
Upload your pics to that. There will be an option just under the photo with an IMG code. Paste this code into a post and the pics will be up.

If you have a play with it on the test forum, you'll be posting them in no time.


Aug 11, 2011
If your having trouble posting pics here is a step by step guide I posted a while back and a follow on from Teepee's advice...

First open a free account with Photo bucket.

Then you need to upload pics from your computer to your photo bucket album.

In photobucket there is a green tab with 'upload now' on it. Click this and a larger green banner comes on that says 'select photos and videos'.

Click this and a box opens and at the top there is a drop down bar. I use this and select pictures. All your pictures should appear in files in order of date.

Click the group of pics file you want to upload to photobucket and all the pics in that file will appear. You then select them individually for upload by double clicking on them or as a group by holding down the control key and clicking each pic. When you have a group all highlighted in light blue you then click on the open tab and they will all upload together.

You will then be directed back to photobucket while the pics upload. Once the upload is complete click the blue 'save and continue to my albums' tab.

Once in your album go to the first pic and press edit. You need to re-size your pics for forums so they are not too large.

Click the resize tab and go to the 'preset sizes' bar and use the arrows to select the size you want. 640x480 is a good size.

Click 'apply' and when done click the 'replace original' tab at the bottom of the pic.

The page will change and the re-sized pic will come up. To quickly re-size other photos, on this page at the top right of the pic is a 'previous/next' tab. Use these to select other pics then hover the cursor over the new pic and a menu bar will appear along the top of the pic.

Hover over the resize tab and a drop down bar will appear. Select the size you want and click again. A box will appear and click OK.

Once you have resized all your pics click the albums tab to return to your album.

When you want to send a pic to a forum you select the IMG code under the pic you want to send and right click and copy.

Back on your post on the forum you just right click and paste the IMG code.

Sounds daunting but very simple once done a few times.



Jimmy Bojangles

Sep 10, 2011
Thank you for the help Mr Teepee and Mr Thepies, I'm going to give it a go! Wish me luck! Lol

Here's (I hope) a pic of the stove packed to be stored in in my Billy can.

Here it is ready for use with the trangia.

Hope the links work

Thanks again for the help


Jimmy Bojangles

Sep 10, 2011
Good job Jimmy :)

The cup's a great fit to the tin, have you burnt any wood in it yet?

Cheers mate, I've not tried it with wood as I suspect it would be I little to small to get a fire going, would probably work in summer when everything's nice and dry, but I reckon it'd be hard work sustaining a fire in there in this weather.

Now I can post pics :) I'll post a new thread showing my cook kit in more detail.




Oct 9, 2010
Here and there
How do you find it burns? I found that the few things I tried like that tended to burn yellow, which I believe means there's not enough oxygen. I'm pretty sure that means you use too much fuel.
I tried everything, however, drilling holes left right and centre, and it still seemed to burn yellow, so I could have been making a basic mistake somewhere along the line (though, what, I'm not sure).
Yous looks really neat, though, and I'd be interested to know if it works with wood, also, as I'm always looking for something that will let me use a Trangia and also burn wood for if I run out of fuel (and not soften an alu windsheild).
Of course, I suppose I could either buy a Trangia Triangle, but £20 for three bits of metal seems a bit steep to me.
Maybe i should just try and knock one up.

Jimmy Bojangles

Sep 10, 2011
I find it burns pretty well, I've tried a few different designs, and varied the height of the pot over the flames. I assumed originally that the the best place for the pot would be very close to the trangia (though mine's a Highlander copy) so it was almost sat on the little jets, as these burn blue. At that height the average boil time for a pint of water was between 10-11 mins, and I think the flames were getting a little smothered. With my current set up it'll boil a pint in about 7 mins. I think the pot stand traps some heat around the trangia which in turn heats the Meths more which gives off more fumes to ignite, so probably burns more fuel per min, but you have it burning for less mins. I've not measured how much fuel it takes to boil a pint, but if I top up the Trangia I can boil a liter with some fuel left over (indoors). I've drilled some 4mm holes in the back of the pot stand to let additional air in, with those and the large cut out in the front I think it gets plenty of oxygen.

I would be very interested to hear the hights commercial trangia sets place the pots above the flames.




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