Any artists on BCUK?


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
I don't consider myself an artist, but there seems to be an eye for drawing in my family as my brother is actually an artist. I just sketch on the side. This is a late night sketch.

'Tribute to Ents'


It's not entirely finished, but I'd like suggestions for what I could add to him.

Are there any sketchers on BCUK? Feel free to post your work.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
I know of two artists on the forum.

There's Biker of Bushcraft Betty fame :)

And there's Firecrest, who is a superb multi talented artist.

Besides drawing she does fantastic pyrography work on wood and leather and has now become an outstanding tattoo artist and has just recently opened her own studio.

Edit: here's some of her work.

This pastel work

This was my 50th birthday present from her

Pyrographed Stage on veg tan leather
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Hi THOken,

Excellent sketch, reminds me of Brian Froud's work. I don't know if you know his work, brilliant fantasy work, if not look up som eof his work, I think you'd enjoy it.

I used to draw and paint, but have fallen out of the way of it these days. My favourite medium is chalk and charcoal. Should really take it up again.

Again, lovely stuff, very talented.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
Thats not bad for a sketch.

I studied art but was never really that good, I had the trouble of not being great at selling myself - I prefered the action of creating something rather than selling it.

It comes in handy when you've got kids and they want you to draw a - frog, badger, deer, elephant, goat etc etc - my eldest is doing 'the rainforest' at school now so aking for a lot of tropical animals to be drawn...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I occasionally take commisions to do pet portraits in coloured pencil, and I have sold a few bits of carved wood in craft shops.

thoaken I like your ent, nice expression in the face to build textures on to.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
I have a GCSE A* in art if that counts :)

I have been a professional photographer, but when I look at Waylands pictures I just want to despair.

I have an artistic temperament anyway as I like to make things, mostly for my own use and amusement.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I occasionally take commisions to do pet portraits in coloured pencil, and I have sold a few bits of carved wood in craft shops.


That's a lovely Goat Xylaria!

:eek:Sorry I've a chum who does it to me, lovely boxer pup, looks like you've really caught him, do you tend to work from photo's or real life? (Though wouldn't be easy with a wriggly little critter like a boxer pup.

I like the carvings too.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Theres some good pics/images there.....

I ve, like every one seen Bikers Betty.. what more can be said..

I've also seen some great work done by Firecrest...but only her Tat's.. and they are impresive.. some thing to be proud of :), I had to look at the Pastle twice...

And that Pryrograpy of the Stag... love it.. would love to see some more of her work on here..

Now how cute is thah pouch...:).

Keep them comming its nice to see some work of the unsung - unpromoting artists..

I wish I was an Artist.. but alas...
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Sep 6, 2010
I don't consider myself an artist, but there seems to be an eye for drawing in my family as my brother is actually an artist. I just sketch on the side. This is a late night sketch.

'Tribute to Ents'


It's not entirely finished, but I'd like suggestions for what I could add to him.

Are there any sketchers on BCUK? Feel free to post your work.

That is very good; the proportions are spot on.

How about drawing the rest of the body? That gives you lots of scope to embellish what you've begun.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Liking that Ent a lot, THOaken. Now that's something I've not attempted to draw and you've really got that expression and life in the face perfectly. Well done. Looking forward to seeing this completed.

Xylaria, like those dogs too. I think I can count on one hand how many pictures of dogs I've done, like portraits it a very subtle thing to capture the likeness. Contrary to popular belief not all dogs look alike, they're as individual as people. I am well impressed with those carvings. Working on end grain like that and getting that result is pretty incredible! As for the spoons I think you've just invented a new variations of them with that daffodil design.

My artwork is pretty much set in a narrow genre of pin-up, though I can do other stuff, I just don't seem to have the time when I'm committed to drawing regular updates for my website and when I do draw it's certainly but not to the degree that Firecrest can do, she's entirely too talented. I wonder how many people viewed that pastel assumed it was a photo? I know I did the first time I saw it.

Eric Methven's done some artwork too, chalk and pastels on velvet I think.

Looking forward to what else people would be willing to share in this thread.

Here's a picture I did a few years ago that's not pin-up related. As my user names suggests I'm a bit of a petrol head too.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
That's a lovely Goat Xylaria!

:eek:Sorry I've a chum who does it to me, lovely boxer pup, looks like you've really caught him, do you tend to work from photo's or real life? (Though wouldn't be easy with a wriggly little critter like a boxer pup.

I like the carvings too.

I like to take photos, unless it is a ten stone rottweiler that growls and bares teeth everytime a camera or phone is held up in its direction. I turned that one down. I have worked from photos of pets no longer around.

lindseys stuff is awesome, the owl tattoo is my favorite.

I like betty, amazing amount of expression. i hope she doesnt go down mylie cirus route of wearing too little.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Well, as a kid i wasn't too bad, then all the usual things took over, girls motorbikes etc etc, i have a folder in the loft somewhere and the last time i looked i liked some of the drawings, couldn't draw for toffee now!

This sketch was done by me when i was 14 i think, and was inspired by meeting a big American car trying to cross a narrow bridge on Dartmoor, when out with my dad, had an imagination in those days too!




Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2008
Loving the supercharger and blower Aaron! Spot on. Thought it was a Paxton at first glance but its not. Lolz
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Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Good work, keep it up. A mate of mine used to draw then he started working for a family friend who has her own pottery, he is now self employed making his own stuff, had a 3or4 page spread in country living last year, now he gets so much work he struggles to keep up with it all here his site you just dont know what is around the next corner.


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