Another Loch Lomond jaunt


Aug 9, 2005
A few snaps from the wander at the weekend. We went over from Balmaha into a p-in-the-a headwind and rode a roller coaster back over on sunday. The last pic was taken before we left camp and it just got windier and windier and windier....:rolleyes: Bit of a handful really but we probably had it easier than the folk we met who were rafting up and making their way into the wind.

By the way Gaillaine, I ended up back here with your map and compass.
Yippee, got a new compass. :)
...I mean I'll get it back to you at the earliest opportunity.










Aug 9, 2005
Bivvying but camp was sheltered anyway. Stephen was starting to get queasy on the paddle back though when the see-saw effect was in full force.
Even got water over the sides of the barge, think that's a first. :)

Dry? No, not really. Didn't really get wet either though. Was kind of inbetween.


Dec 15, 2005
Superb Wallaby shots Josh, just showed our lass the baby and now she wants to come with me next time, 2 in a Pack, that could be interesting.

Looks like you were camped on the opposite beach to last time ?


Aug 9, 2005
Near enough, there were folk already there so we carried on north a bit to the wee cove. Turned out we all kinda knew each other anyway from SotP but where we ended up was a wee microgem anyway.


Life Member
Was a great weekend, the passage across from Balmaha was more than I was expecting, especially with the wind in our face the whole way, we did get some respite in the shadow of the islands, but the last section was a long haul, and I was glad when we finally got into the wind shade of Inchconnachan (Wallaby Is), when you look at the distance traveled it was only about 5.5 Km, felt a whole lot more.

The little cove worked out really well, and we came across a few others on that side that would make for good camping spots.

The pebble beach where we landed was covered in Wallaby tracks, and about 20-30 metres further in we found a nice flat area to set up our bivis.

WS I did think about taking a hammock set up but I did that last time, I just wanted to try out some new gear, combined with my Snugpak Stratosphere bivi bag, with that I screwed up, I assumed being only a year old it would still be waterproof, it wasn't, not only did it leak at the zip (runs 3/4 down one side) but also the seam on the other side, (there is 2 different types of mat'l used, top and bottom, seamed halfway).

Luckily the new gear was a 90mm exped down mat and the recently reintroduce Alpkit pipedream 800, the mat kept the down bag away from the edges and most of the leakage, and the bag itself kept me warm, too warm in fact I unzipped it early into the night, and used it as a quilt, even though a fair bit of the edges and top were wet.

BTW The 90mm exped is too big to use in a bivi bag, it’s too thick, the down bag at my feet was compressed almost flat.

I'll be sending an email to Snugpak asking if this is the norm, i.e. having to reproof every year, we'll see what they come back with.

Back to the trip;

On the Saturday once we had set up camp, and I had had a coffee, we got out the cameras and went Wallaby hunting.

At first they were very skittish, but we came across one that after a while started feeding again, so we edged closer, in the end we were within 10 metres of it, and got some good photos.

As it started to get dark we started a fire on the beach, got some good embers and cooked dinner, sitting with a coffee after cleanup and as usual thought it was getting late and then found out it was only 8:30 :rolleyes:

Sunday morning woke to find a beautiful if damp :rolleyes: morning, after breakfast we again went wallaby hunting were Josh got those fantastic shots of the Mother and Joey.

When we got back to camp, Josh had mislaid a part of his camera and went back for it, and while I was making coffee on the beach the neighbors from the next cove came to visit, (turned out they were SoTP), one in a very nicely made home built stitched ply design, (Sorry I'm terrible with names), we had a good blether and then they went to look at what the weather/waves were like on the North end of the Island :eek: lots of whitecaps, which they soon found, and returned back to the relative peace of the sheltered side of the Island.

They carried on back to have lunch, and Josh and I decided we'd pack up, load the canoe, and paddle around to their cove, for a final wallaby hunt.

Unfortunately by the time we got there the weather had taken a turn for the worse, actually the sotp guys were lashing their canoes together :Thinkingo, so we decide to head back to Balmaha.

"Bit of a handful" doesn't really cover it, it was a wild ride, bit scary at points, but I'd do it again in a second, but with a sail :cool:

I do get seasick occasionally, normally only on serious seas, but all the weight (not just Josh ;) ) was at the back, so every movement seemed to be magnified at the front, that and the fact if you mis-timed your stroke the paddle missed the water :eek: it wasn't much fun up the front.

I ran my gps on the way back, the route is interesting to say the least, I'll need to reinstall some software, but I'll see if I can post it.

Shewie, you would have loved it mate.




Dec 15, 2005
Sounds like it was a good laugh Stephen

It's probably just as well I wasn't there in a leaky Sevylor

I take it you went tandem in Joshs Nova Craft ? How do you reckon the wee Pack would have handled solo on the return.

(listen to me, anyone would think I knew what I was talking about)


Mar 19, 2009
This looks like great weekend. Paddling into the wind especially with waves is a nightmare. I'm purely a fairl weather paddler ;)


Aug 9, 2005
How do you reckon the wee Pack would have handled solo on the return.

It'd depend on how much gear you were carrying. Light weekend kit would have been fine but too much of a load and you'd be in danger of swamping.

I've had the Pack out in similar conditions and it wasn't clever but then it's not very clever in any boat. Took me most of the trip back to get to grips with full-time ruddering, the early stages were messy when I thought I could paddle as well. :rolleyes:


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008

Sorry If i appear Dull... as a softie southerner I was unaware that Wallabys were loose in Scotland.???

Can someone put me straight and tell me what the deal is ?? History etc.

And just for the sake of political correctness we have Jaguars on Dartmoor and Dodo's in Sidmouth. True.


Dec 15, 2005

Sorry If i appear Dull... as a softie southerner I was unaware that Wallabys were loose in Scotland.???

Can someone put me straight and tell me what the deal is ?? History etc.

And just for the sake of political correctness we have Jaguars on Dartmoor and Dodo's in Sidmouth. True.

I think in the 20s or 30s a wealthy posh bird from the mainland had a summer house built on the island and she decided to take a few wallabies over aswell. They've just continued to breed ever since and sometimes even have to be culled if they get out of hand.


Aug 9, 2005
The 70s I think the wee bounders were released by the 'wealthy posh bird'.

I don't know the history but there's a web page here with all sorts of snippets about the islands.
Gailainne, check out the bit on Inchfad - That wierd little inlet we were wondering about is probably the entrance to the canal that they mention.


Life Member
....... Snugpak Stratosphere bivi bag, with that I screwed up, I assumed being only a year old it would still be waterproof, it wasn't, not only did it leak at the zip (runs 3/4 down one side) but also the seam on the other side, (there is 2 different types of mat'l used, top and bottom, seamed halfway).

Luckily the new gear was a 90mm exped down mat and the recently reintroduce Alpkit pipedream 800, the mat kept the down bag away from the edges and most of the leakage, and the bag itself kept me warm, too warm in fact I unzipped it early into the night, and used it as a quilt, even though a fair bit of the edges and top were wet.

BTW The 90mm exped is too big to use in a bivi bag, it’s too thick, the down bag at my feet was compressed almost flat.

I'll be sending an email to Snugpak asking if this is the norm, i.e. having to reproof every year, we'll see what they come back with

Just as an update, I did send an email, got a reply back the next day, asking me to return it, sent it on Tues, replacement arrived today, :D cant say fairer than that.



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