I do like the look of the stacked Tufnol. It gives a much smoother finish than sanding over the weave when its used as full slabs.
It looks like you keep the slots in the thin slabs pretty close to tang size and keep the small ends of the slots square, so if the tang is at an angle to the blade shoulders you have to make something tapered (brass or thicker tufnol) to get a fit. If the slots were over sized, would that give you better freedom of movement so you wouldn't need the tapered part, or would it just move the taper to the butt end, or not support the thin lams enough to prevent movement? Filling the over size slots with epoxy would might be strong enough, but I can see it not being appealing, in which case, what about using a modified file to angle the two narrow slot edges, keep them close to the tang, but the lam faces could sit parallel to the shoulders rather than perpendicular to the tang?
I have never done a stacked handle, but I have done stacked bolster/guards and used the filed method with some success. Another idea would be to have the thicker bit of tufnol in the middle of the grip, so that the thinner lams are angled parallel to the guard for the front half and parallel to the pommel for the back half, kind of make a feature out of it?
Anyway, really like this look, very Randal, but harder wearing!