Air Rifle Transport / Law Question

One for the experts please...!

I've read up all I can find on air rifles and the law on the BASC site, but I'm after the answer to something quite specific:

A permission I have requires walking from my front door, down my road, up another road, down a cycle track, across a field and onto the permission land. I could drive, but a walk is nicer.

All I can find on the BASC site specific to this situation is the phrase, "Whenever you are in a public place you should carry the rifle in a gun cover and always ensure that it is unloaded and not cocked."

I just feel a bit odd walking down a public road with a rifle in a bag. Very obviously I would not be loading/shooting until Iam on the land. Can anyone enlighten me and tell me where I stand within the eyes of the law?

Many thanks all.......hc

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
No problem. Have your permission letter (or better a copy of it) with you and your insurance, and the gun unloaded and cased. Your legal even without them, but it explains why you are transporting them. I've walked down a High St. with a Lee Enfield .303 in a bag.



Life Member
Sep 19, 2008
Scotland, looking at mountains
If he's crossing someone else's private land which isn't a right of way where he doesn't have shooting rights, isn't that armed trespass or going with intent to poach, even if the gun is in its slip ?

Thanks for the reply Red. Last fired a .303 about 15 years ago on a trip to Africa. Real thing.

If he's crossing someone else's private land which isn't a right of way where he doesn't have shooting rights, isn't that armed trespass or going with intent to poach, even if the gun is in its slip ?


Thanks for flagging this up NS.

The field I'll be crossing has a public right of way footpath across it which is the direct route I would take from the cycle path to the permission land. What do you think? ...hc

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
You are fine HC. So long as you only carry the gun where you have a legal right to be, and its covered and secured (and not loaded) in public areas, you are good to go.



Dec 10, 2009
also if your rifle is a magazine fed one you can't have any pellets in the magazine even if its not loaded into the rifle
Lovely. Thanks all for your help. Rifle is a HW97KT so no magasine. Insurance is with BASC.

Just kegged my "Adults" Ginger Beer, Liquorice Root Beer and first ever batch of cider. (Got some sloe gin too) Methinks a couple of recipes for the above with squirrel, rabbit or woodies will be coming next.......b


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