A wet morning out


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
Well I had a few hours to spare this morning so up I got and jumped in the car, 20 min drive and at my location. Main objective was to practise some wet weather fire lighting, didn't want to go too traditional but after the rain and frost we just had thought I would go down the fire flash route.

First job was a little scout around for somewhere to setup, on my way through the trees I came across the fist sign of others being here before. No this is private land so whoever it is is trespassing, sorry no pics here but at head hight between two trees I found a length of purple electrical cable tied up and an attempt at a shelter of some description. Here we go clearing up again after folks.
Anyway on my way in I had spotted a fallen silver birch so back to the spot and stripped a good few pieces of bark and into the pocket it goes. Also from the same tree I had a few small end twigs from it as kindling. On my way to my chosen spot I gathered up some of the deadwood from fallen trees for my wee fire so I could have a brew and a bite to eat.

Firewood split and stacked out came the bark and fire flash, quick scrape of the bark to fluff it up and after three or four attempts at the fire steel were away. Kindling on followed by some pencil thick and knee high flames we have. Bugger the rains here now oh well just sit and see how it goes, a few larger pieces are added and a quick blow and we have fire.

Out comes the folding grill and over the flames it goes to burn off some of the grease from the last outing. Whilst that is warming I unpack a couple of bits to make a brew, crusader out and on the grill and filled with water, lid on and sit back to saw some more wood. Rain not too bad now so out with the bacon and straight on the grill, have some decent embers now so no rush. Water now boiling away so in with the coffee and sugar and a bit of cream (small indulgence). Next the lid off my billy gets a lump of lard and in goes my egg. The mrs had made some bread yesterday so I had a couple of sclices off it and thickly buttered them.

Oh yes bacon and egg and coffee sat against a tree with nobody to bother me was bliss.
Time to turn the grill over an in the embers to burn the crud off before packing away and a nice steady walk out to the car, oh well back home to the nut house and screaming kids. Can't wait till the next time.
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A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Nice to get a bit of me time in the green, eh? It's been cats and dogs here all night and right through the morning, I've been sat in the house for six hours for the first time in many years, with my six year old Springer showing absolutely no interest in going out, she must be getting old, she's never done that before.

Put the time to good use though, three pairs of leather boots cleaned and ledergrised, two smocks re-proofed, me showered and shaved and two new sheaths cut out with welts, ready to be stitched when it next rains :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
Is that a tarp rolled up in your photo mate?

No that's my bedroll. USMSS Bivvy bag and black bag with a sleep mat all rolled up. Handy to sit on or unroll to lay on and there if I want to stay the night. My tarp is in one of the rocket packs.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 29, 2009
Lost in the woods
Nice read Johnny, nothing like getting out and about doing stuff, I did the same thing last Tuesday and this Wednesday with a friend, it was bacon rolls for us and plenty of coffee and some spoon carving.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
I couldn't get comfortable today knowing others have been in the wood. I don't want people to see me and think it's ok to do the same.
Also with it being wet the fire produced a fair bit of smoke possibly giving me away.
I will be back again soon hoping the poor weather will put folk off going out.
Next time I will leave it later in the day so I can make myself some tea, maybe do some belly pork on the grill with potato and veg in the embers.

Insel Affen

Aug 27, 2014
Tewkesbury, N Gloucestershire
I couldn't get comfortable today knowing others have been in the wood. I don't want people to see me and think it's ok to do the same.
Also with it being wet the fire produced a fair bit of smoke possibly giving me away.
I will be back again soon hoping the poor weather will put folk off going out.
Next time I will leave it later in the day so I can make myself some tea, maybe do some belly pork on the grill with potato and veg in the embers.

Very jealous! Must be nice to have such a private and local spot to dive into. Be perfect if water runs through it. Saw some parcels of woodland for sale near Northallerton, if only my lottery numbers would come up!!😎


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
It is quite convenient that it's on private land of which im a member of the fishery there, so water is on site and the local river runs past too.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.