A Short Winter Wander amongst the icicles

Yesterday was a cold day up on signal mountain. From the time I got there until the time I left some hours later I had small snowflakes whirling around me. Later on the flakes got bigger and started coming down faster Being as roofs, snow, and carpenters don't make a good mix it ended up being a short day. Since I felt I had time for a liesurely, sightseeing stroll on the mile and a half to two miles in and a brisk walk back out and still get home before full dark I decided to go down to Bee Branch and look around some before I headed down the mountain.

This is what the area at work looked like just before I left.


The trail in





Lots of icicles around up there right now



These are some pics of icicles I took on my way up the mountain...while it was just barely snowing



When I got down to the branch there wasn't near as much snow as I'd hoped for but it gave the area a slightly different look....well the snow and the newly fallen tree.



and.., just up the hill from the branch I found this frozen waterfall

Here's one to give it a little perspective


Dec 15, 2005
Superb pictures Mistwalker

Have you had some storms lately then ? There seems to be a lot more fallen trees than normal.
Thanks all, glad you like the pics

Superb pictures Mistwalker

Have you had some storms lately then ? There seems to be a lot more fallen trees than normal.

I think that large fallen tree is the one on the leaning tree on the left in this picture I took there when I went hiking in the fog. We have had lots of storms here back during the summer (always do) and three trees were leaned against one. I think high winds lately just brought that one crashing down.


As it's not down in this picture of the same area


:Quoting Andy: Great pics, blimey eveything really is bigger in America even the icicles!

I wish I had the time and extra money to run back over to Fall Creek Falls, the fall is a little less than 100 meters tall and is beautiful when frozen.


Jul 22, 2005
Glasgow, Southside
Oh, here we go, you're as bad as my mate who lives in Canada. Send's over pictures saying how cold it is and how much Ice there is and how deep the snow is, while we're up to our ankles in slush if we're lucky. Usually just muck and glaur....... :(

Seriously though, those pictures are stunning my friend. I am incredibly envious. you win hands down in comparison to the pictures I posted;)

Can I just clarify you said at the start that is the view from where you work???? Are they hiring ??????:D :D :D
Oh, here we go, you're as bad as my mate who lives in Canada. Send's over pictures saying how cold it is and how much Ice there is and how deep the snow is, while we're up to our ankles in slush if we're lucky. Usually just muck and glaur....... :(

Seriously though, those pictures are stunning my friend. I am incredibly envious. you win hands down in comparison to the pictures I posted;)

Can I just clarify you said at the start that is the view from where you work???? Are they hiring ??????:D :D :D

That's funny, I have Canadian friends who are always telling me how cold it is and how much snow they have too....To them ANY snow I get is merely the "over-spray" from the REAL snow that they get up there lol. Not that we get much here, last good sow we had was about nine years ago and then only about eight inches.

Thanks, I'm glad you like the photos, though I did not realize we were in a contest. Years ago it was a sketch pad that I took along on my hikes, this way I get many more pictures per hike :) .

Well...., that picture of mine (th red one) and my father-in-law's trucks is my view from work as I am remodeling parts of his father's house at the moment. Though the falling snow doesn't show up in the pics that's what it looked like as I was about to leave. The pics of the trail, creek, and icicles are from a county wilderness park about four kilometers down the road.

By the way...exactly what is glaur?


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