A quick one nighter

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I managed a quick visit to the woods (in good welsh rain) carved a spoon, finished my book (not what many would chose for bedtime reading on a solo camp...), had a visit from a mouse (after my rubbish bag) watched Woodpeckers feeding their brood ... and chilled!002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg018.jpg
One reason for the trip was to test my new mat - an Aldi self inflating one - which proved excellent for the money. OK it is a bit bulky and heavy compared to many - but it is cheap! Ideal for short walk in camps :)

Disruptive Pattern

Apr 25, 2014
East Coast
Now that looks like a real cosy place you've found yourself there. Looks great, just whats needed for a wind down.
I like your camp chair. Great Photo's, Thanks for that.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Now that looks like a real cosy place you've found yourself there. Looks great, just whats needed for a wind down.
I like your camp chair. Great Photo's, Thanks for that.

I have had the chair for years :)
Unfortunately it needs remaking as the Sycamore elements are starting to go brittle and break :(


Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
Hungerford, Berkshire
Looks like a great camp! I was toying with the idea of getting the Aldi mat. Do you reckon it inflates to the full 5cm claimed? I've got another cheap mat which I reckon puffs up to more like 3.5cm than the 5 it says on the packet.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Great looking campsite, love that chair and tarp. :)

The tarp is made from a heavy duty Dust-sheet (I bought it off Eric M at the Moot last year for a tenner - I don't know where he got it) with cotton tape reinforcing and guy loops, plus sisal guys and a ridgeline made from sisal twisted up to rope in a hand drill. All dyed with tea to give a more bushy colour, then proofed with Fabsil. Works well in light rain though real downpours do force a "mist" through the weave. I intend making new guys from sisal but waxing or tarring them ... the untreated sisal is fluffing away to pieces!

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
The tarp is a dustcloth I bought from Eric M at the Moot with added cotton tape reinforcement guy points etc, dyed with tea and proofed with Fabsil (OK but in heavy rain the rain does come through in a fine mist). The guys are Sisal - the ridgeline sisal twisted up to rope in a hand drill. I will replace the guys with tarred or waxed Sisal ASAP as they are fluffing away to nothing but tinder .
The mat will reach 5cm if you blow into it - otherwise about 4cm.
It was cold and wet last night - cold enough for my breath to be visible in clouds of vapour and for me to zip up my -10 sleeping bag but I got no cold effect from the ground .. so the mat works OK :)
The location is a small patch of woodland that is 10 mins from home - on foot - and where I have sole permission to play :)
Not seen in the photos are my table and fireplace. Chairs, tables and fireplace all are permanent fixtures :)
I also have another woods that I have perm on - and where I can have as many guests as I like ... it is also where I do a few hours paid work per week and get some of the guys I work with to experience the bushy way :)


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Nice camp..............I always think if a camp is not both cosy and comfortable, it's not really a camp at all; anyone can kip under a hedge and stay warm and dry................but why would you unless through need? :)

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Lol, I can imagine the press "A man was mauled by a mouse yesterday because he didn't "tree" his rubbish!"

Daily Mail version "A British man was mauled by a mouse (believed to be an asylum seeker) yesterday because he didn't "tree" his rubbish!"


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