A productive morning (contains pictures of animals killed for food)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Being outdoor types, I'm sure you've all noticed we've had a bit of rain recently, in fact we've had an awful lot of rain recently! A local farm we shoot woodies on has a wheat field that's taken a particularly heavy battering from the weather (thanks to nearby "redevelopment" affecting drainage) and was flooded quite badly.

But every cloud has a silver lining and for us this morning that silver lining has come with feathers! Set up with my dad early on this morning at around 7, just a few scattered decoys and a small hide was more than enough to have a nice productive half day at the ducks. The odd rain shower spotted over but good waterproofs always help and it didn't put us off. Divided to call it a day at 3 mallard (2 drakes and a hen) as we are both of the opinion that there's no need to kill everything that's in the sky and only ever take what we need.

All where shot using Express 32g Supreme steel, although it does shoot a little hot out of my dads valmet (below) its an effective load, if nowhere near comparable to lead. My Mariocci is a little heavier so soaks up the recoil from higher velocity, reasonably heavy cartridges a bit more.



Currently getting them prepped for the freezer, using old rusty of course!

Altogether a thoroughly enjoyable day even if I did manage to stand on a duck call and end up with 1 wet foot.

Also gave my pigeon a bit of time to marinade for another batch of jerky!
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Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Nice one Mick.
Well done for "not shooting everything thats in the sky...". 😁
I bet those are really tasty.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Nice score Mick thanks for sharing, must be great to put meat on the table like that


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Nice one Mick.
Well done for "not shooting everything thats in the sky...". 😁
I bet those are really tasty.


Aye to me shooting if more about conservation than anything. As well as putting food on the table. I might even earmark a breast for the jerky and see what duck jerky is like!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Nice score Mick thanks for sharing, must be great to put meat on the table like that

Aye it's a brilliant thing to be able to do. Freezer is always full of meat and very few supermarket labels on it. Give me something wild over something force fed and injected with water any day eh!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Wish i had the access rights, the weapons rights, basically wish i had the rights and opportunity, i'm currently in the early process of emigrating to USA, gonna take ages but i will have hunting rights including bow and trapping, before i leave the UK i'll be attending a make your own ash long bow and arrows and quiver weekend run by a bloke whose name slips my mind in the Lake District, i'd always wanted to do it but couldn't justify without being allowed to use it, will also be mad just going into a shop and buying a hunting gun hahahahahahaha I went gun hunting on my last USA trip for deer and bear but we never got anything, personally i reckon they Englishman they had taken along was making too much noise trying to video the event and scared off all the potential dinners


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Wish i had the access rights, the weapons rights, basically wish i had the rights and opportunity, i'm currently in the early process of emigrating to USA, gonna take ages but i will have hunting rights including bow and trapping, before i leave the UK i'll be attending a make your own ash long bow and arrows and quiver weekend run by a bloke whose name slips my mind in the Lake District, i'd always wanted to do it but couldn't justify without being allowed to use it, will also be mad just going into a shop and buying a hunting gun hahahahahahaha I went gun hunting on my last USA trip for deer and bear but we never got anything, personally i reckon they Englishman they had taken along was making too much noise trying to video the event and scared off all the potential dinners

Haha. Aye they're a touch more lenient over there eh! I've been looking into bows alot more recently too, I've shot with pretty much everything from .177 air rifles up to a 20mm Lahti (swear I can still feel that in my shoulder) and most things in between but not much experience with bows. Been a while since I've been out with the guns so was a nice change, day job taking too much of my time in afraid!

Big G

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 3, 2015
Cleveland UK
Nice one mate!

Nowt better feeling than feeding the family with food you've caught ya selfs :)


May 15, 2016
UK/Middle East
A bit late to the party but thanks for a nice write up and enjoyable pictures. It is a pity it is felt necessary to add a sort of warning on posts such as these as to the content when you are showing the very best for of naturally procured food available. It is something to be promoted and be proud of IMHO .


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.