Private Messages here are private, they cannot be read by moderators or members who are not invited. However, the forum rules still apply, no spam, no foul language, no threats or abuse. You can still be banned from the forum for the content of a Private Message.
If you write something particularly disagreeable and the recipient Reports it, then all the moderators will see the message, who wrote it, but not when it was written. Reported messages do not have context, the moderators cannot see any messages before or after the one Reported.
In order to judge what to do, the moderators will generally ask for context, preferably from both parties to ensure no one is being economical with the truth about who wrote what.
Bear this in mind when taking a disagreement to PM.
If you write something particularly disagreeable and the recipient Reports it, then all the moderators will see the message, who wrote it, but not when it was written. Reported messages do not have context, the moderators cannot see any messages before or after the one Reported.
In order to judge what to do, the moderators will generally ask for context, preferably from both parties to ensure no one is being economical with the truth about who wrote what.
Bear this in mind when taking a disagreement to PM.