A day out foraging


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
C Claycomb spent all of last week down my neck of the woods and whilst out tracking we found a nice crop of parasol mushrooms and loads of fairy rings



the fairy rings are hanging to dry in the kitchen and we're stuffing the Parasols with goats cheese and couscous for dinner tonight :eek:):


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 3, 2003
Super crop! Those parasols look fantastic! Still a bit early for them up here ... but soon!


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
grumit said:
i had my first giant puffball yesterday lovely cooked in garlic butter :)

I found one the other day too! It was about 5" across, with a fist sized one nearby. I actually found it at work so I've been keeping an eye on the smaller one and 2 more have sprung up nearby - they must grow fast. If they don't get booted or mowed I'll have another one soon.

I cooked mine from a recipe by Richard Mabey in HFW's Cook on the Wild Side. Basically stuffed with mince, onions breadcrumbs, lots of pepper and chopped puffball then baked with streaky bacon on top. Nice, but maybe a bit wet (next time I'll hollow it with a bit thinner walls). The stuffing had a really nice flavour too it.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
jakunen said:
Everytime I find one of those either the damn kids have played football with it or one of the local council guys gets it before I can harvest it! :cry:

It's really annoying isn't it. When I picked the one at work, the boss was with me and he kept saying, "kick it in" "eurgh, you don't want that!"



Stew said:
It's really annoying isn't it. When I picked the one at work, the boss was with me and he kept saying, "kick it in" "eurgh, you don't want that!"

Tell me about it!
I saw one about 2 1/2" on my walk to the station one morning and thought "that'll be delicious in a day or two". Took my knife with me to get it on the way to work and it had gone! Next day I heard two council workers talking
"yeah so it took it to the outlaw. F****** ponce, an'e cuts it up, bungs it in a pain wiv some butter an garlic, poncey french crap, then bungs it on some poncey f****** italian bread, chi-bottom or somfing, and givs it me wiv a glass of sherry, poncey f****** stuff. but tell ya wot, it was f******tasty mate!".

Kept a close look on those that came up a few days latter. Went to get them...bare bloody grass!

Also found a few in the alley behidn the house that the kids use to walk to school. Found a few lovely ones, full of size 4 boot prints :banghead:

Still shouldn't complain too much I guess as I found about 40 morels in the garden and 12 St. Georges.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.