a bit of snowy video

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I was walking through the wood again in the snow and just thought I'd share a bit of video I took as I went. Poor quality but its a still camera first and foremost, so what the hey!


This is the main road in, about 6 inches of frozen snow/ice, with whatever depth of snow falls overnight on top.

apologies for the music:eek: but the original sound track was just scraping, knocking and scuffing noises!:rolleyes:

hope this gives a picture of what its like here at the moment;)



rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Just overnight, it's finally started to melt a little.

sod's law of course:rolleyes: me and the two kids ( hah! 17 & 22 ) spent 3 hours yesterday, clearing the drive and junction out front, right down to the tarmac, only to finally have the council send a blxxdy tractor with a snowplough, round this morning.

The plough has effectively blocked the cul de sac, as well as everybody's drive ways, with a 2 ft high wall of slushy ice!

Bless em:rolleyes:

Still, at least they are trying here, unlike at Prudhoe; where the main drag along the industrial strip of Princess Way, still looks the same as our estate road did yesterday.

anyway stay warm;)




Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
yup the thaw is on here too. I'm delighted. :D

EDIT: I was delighted until I got a call from work, I had to go in to sort out the bizillion leaks that have sprung in pipes in the byre. Damage limitation was a success though. It was a nightmare getting hold of a plumber, I guess other folk have found themselves in a similar situation.
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I was walking through the wood again in the snow and just thought I'd share a bit of video I took as I went. Poor quality but its a still camera first and foremost, so what the hey!


This is the main road in, about 6 inches of frozen snow/ice, with whatever depth of snow falls overnight on top.

apologies for the music:eek: but the original sound track was just scraping, knocking and scuffing noises!:rolleyes:

hope this gives a picture of what its like here at the moment;)



we spent 3 days and 2 nights out at the height of the snow surrey sussex hampshire ares borders
hope the link works we had a great time and just got on with it :0)


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